Sunday, November 27, 2011

255 - Wise Words From Dr Wayne

"I let go of my need for more, and live in a state of pure gratitude. Giving is replacing my demand for more."

- by Dr Wayne W. Dyer -

254 - Live Thy Life NOW

You maintain a sense of contentment now and at the same time you aspire for higher things. Contentment does not mean a state of inactivity and inertia. It is not a state of complacency.

You have a purpose and a goal in life. In the pursuit of that goal, you maintain equanimity while you are acting. You will get the right result. Thus, the place to be happy is here and the time to be happy is right NOW.

There are two extremes that can really break you down.Yesterday & Tomorrow.One is gone and the other doesn’t exist…So…please remember to live yourself NOW…so..Live Today...Live happily…enjoy the GOD gifted beautiful life

Thursday, November 24, 2011

253 - Truth from Swami Baba

Swami Baba said that the individuals with whom we spend the major part of lives are the very ones who can teach us exactly what we need to learn, if only we will recognize this fact and allow the learning to take place.

So those who are closely associated with us can very well be our greatest teachers. If with their help we can learn patience, tolerance, understanding, empathy, forgiveness in our family relationships, our lives will be filled with pure happiness, bliss, joy and peace.