Monday, September 28, 2009

139: What is Compassion?

Compassion consists of feeling of empathy (instead of emotional feeling of deep sympathy, pity, sadness or sorrow). We must exercise our "wisdom" whenever we feel compassionate. Disasters/misfortune are merely wake up calls for mankind to remember pure love, compassion, gratitude and forgiveness. This is Nature's way to remind all of us that we have forgotten who we are.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


A One-Year Study Program of A Course In Miracles (ACIM)

Guided by Dr T. Aaron Lim

ACIM is a complete self-study spiritual thought system that teaches the way to Love and Inner Peace. Its only purpose is to provide a way in which we will be able to find our own Internal Teacher. Being able to access that "Internal Teacher" is central to allowing forgiveness to guide our life in the world, hence to be at peace and of service.

The Course is not about making a better world, but it is about making a more peaceful human being through the agency of spirit and the memory of the Love of God that the "Internal Teacher" holds for all in that part of spirit called "mind." A better world will occur when minds are healed of their ego beliefs in separation and competing interests.

As a 3-volume curriculum consisting of a Text, Workbook for Students, and Manual for Teachers, it teaches that the way to universal love and peace — or remembering God — is by undoing guilt through forgiving others. The Course thus focuses on the healing of relationships and making them holy.

ACIM also emphasizes that it is but one version of the universal curriculum, of which there are "many thousands." Consequently, it expresses a non-sectarian, non-denominational spirituality. ACIM therefore is a universal spiritual teaching, not a religion.

The "Text" presents the theory of the Course and has built into its study the development of the experience of forgiveness that is the Course's goal for the student. In this regard, ACIM states that "its goal for you is happiness and peace." The Text also explains the basis for fear and guilt, and how they can be overcome through miracles, which are defined as maximal "expressions of love." Miracles are also defined as the shift in perception from fear to love.

The "Workbook for Students" consists of 365 lessons, an exercise for each day of the year. This one-year training program begins the process of changing the student's mind and perception, though it is not intended to bring one's learning to completion. As stated in the Preface to the Course, "At the end, the reader is left in the hands of his or her own Internal Teacher, Who will direct all subsequent learning as He sees fit."

The "Manual for Teachers" is written in question-and-answer form and provides answers to some of the more likely questions a student might ask. It also includes clarification of a number of terms the Course uses, explaining them within the theoretical framework of the Text and for their practical application through the Workbook.

What exactly, then, is A Course in Miracles? The summary introduction, which appears in its Text, is quite succinct and brief. It reads:
"This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum. It means only that you can elect what you want to take at a given time. The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love's presence, which is your natural inheritance. The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite.

This course can therefore be summed up very simply in this way:
Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of God." ___________________________________________________________________
About The Facilitator

Dr T. Aaron Lim, a Fulbright-Hays Scholar, is a graduate of St. Francis’ Institution, Malaysia; College of Agriculture, Malaysia (now Universiti Putra Malaysia); Louisiana State University, USA; University of Hawaii, USA and Chaminade University of Honolulu, USA. He is a former professor at Brigham Young University-Hawaii, USA.

Born and raised in the ancient philosophies of the Orient and trained in the modern sciences of the West, Dr. Aaron has a unique talent of bridging the traditions of East and West. He has been serving and teaching health, personal development and spiritual growth for over 30 years. As a dynamic speaker and educator, he uses his multiple talents to help others reach their fullest potential.
Along with his wife, Dehyana Lee Lim (
he co - founded and co-directs “Bodhi Fellowship / Center For Inner Peace”
( )a nonprofit, spiritual organization dedicated to teaching unconditional, universal love and selfless service based in the Historic Heritage City of Malacca, Malaysia.
( ALL surplus arising from this Course will be donated to “Bodhi Fellowship Miracle Children’s Home” as its donation to support orphaned / underprivileged children)

137: live life without regrets

Presented by Dr. T. Aaron Lim
Co-Founder, Bodhi Fellowship / Center For Inner Peace

"Life may not be the party we hoped for... but while we are here we might as well dance!"

Do you have any regrets, and if so why? Do you have more than one? If so this means you might be doing something not in joyful with your life.

Too many people put off something that brings them joy, or fail to see the opportunity to experience joy. They use reasoning like they haven't thought about it, don't have it on their schedule, didn't know it was coming or are too rigid to depart from their routine.

Because we cram so much into our lives, we tend to schedule our headaches. We live on a sparse diet of promises we make to ourselves when all the conditions are perfect!
Life has a way of accelerating as we get older. The days get shorter, and the list of promises we make to ourselves gets longer. One morning, we awaken, and all we have to show for our lives is a litany of "I'm going to," "I plan on," and "Someday, when things are settled down a bit."
When you worry and hurry through your day, you are wasting your life, it is like an unopened gift ... thrown away.

Life is not a race from birth to the grave, so why hurry to get there? See the sky, feel the wind blow, hear the music before the song is over.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the one's you did. Explore, dream, discover. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have.

Why are you waiting? Now, right now, go on and have a nice day. Do something you WANT to do, not something on your SHOULD DO list. You cannot always wait for the perfect time, sometimes you must dare to jump!

Who am I? I am who I say I am and tomorrow someone else entirely. --- White Oleander

Register Now! Seats Are Limited.

WHEN: Saturday October 10, 2009 (Petaling Jaya)

TIME: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm (Registration starts at 9:00 am)

Light breakfast served from 9:00am – 10:00 am

WHERE: Singgahsana Hotel, Petaling Jaya

FEE: RM100 per person (includes breakfast, teabreak and a sumptuous lunch)

CONTACT: JC QUAH @ 012-3362636
PH CHIN @ 012-3388309

REGISTRATION : Please use Registration Form attached in email

( ALL surplus arising from this seminar will be your donation to Bodhi Fellowship Miracle Children’s Home to support orphaned & underprivileged children )

About The Presenter
Dr. T. Aaron Lim, a native of Malaysia, is a graduate of St. Francis' Institution, Malaysia; College of Agriculture, Malaysia (now Universiti Putra Malaysia); Louisiana State University, USA; University of Hawaii, USA and Chaminade University of Honolulu, USA. He is a former professor at Brigham Young University-Hawaii, USA.

Born and raised in the ancient philosophies of the Orient and trained in the modern sciences of the West, Dr. Aaron has a unique talent of bridging the traditions of East and West. He has been serving and teaching health, personal development and spiritual growth for over 30 years. As a dynamic speaker and educator, he uses his multiple talents to help others reach their fullest potential.

Along with his wife, Dehyana Lee Lim ( , he co - founded and co-directs "Bodhi Fellowship / Center For Inner Peace" ( a nonprofit, spiritual organization dedicated to teaching unconditional, universal love and selfless service based in the Historic Heritage City of Malacca, Malaysia.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Six Principles of Life

1. No point using limited life to chase unlimited money.
2. No point earning so much money you cannot live to spend it.
3. Money is not yours until you spend it.
4. When you are young, you use your health to chase your wealth; when you are old, you use your wealth to buy back your health. Difference is that, it is too late.
5. How happy a man is, is not how much he has but how little he needs.
6. No point working so hard to provide for the people you have no time to spend with.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

135: 奇蹟課程: 就像剝洋蔥一樣一層一層逼近核心。。相信自己值得真正幸福的人。。



我想,奇蹟課程所謂「快樂的學徒」有著更深的意涵,它不只是在心想事成的層次,它是要我們勇於探索潛意識的陰影,面對它、看破它,直到真正超越小我 (ego),接納本該屬於我們的圓滿自性為止。

於是那個接近小我核心的過程就變得很重要,不是我們故意要討苦吃,而是一步步面對小我的原型,承認自己原來錯看自己的真相,這感受的確不好受,但是為了真正的自由平安 (true freedom & inner peace)值得這一歷程。

說穿了,苦的感覺其實也是一個幻 (illusion),為什麼我們會被這幻覺困住,感覺像打毒品一樣上癮,要拔除這癮頭總要抗戰一番,好似我們已經植下這罪疚的癮頭生生世世般久遠。

課程中也提到,人們的行為取決於他們對世界的詮釋,而非世界的真實面貌。修練奇蹟課程,從惡夢連連的受害者世界,來到好夢連連的真實世界,其實不過都是我們對世界投射 (projection) 什麼眼光罷了,這世界真實的面貌誰真的了解呢?奇蹟課程說這世界也是個幻,擁有美夢的真實世界並非我們的真實目標,那我們的目標又在那兒?

這課程會將你領入真知 (realization) 之境,我們只須記住,凡是已抵達真實世界的人,都會超越過去,只是方式迥然不同,因為那超越之境不是學習所能達到的。…

怎麼準備呢?唯一的準備就是「寬恕」 (forgiveness) ,我常常提醒大家,去看那個分享奇蹟經驗的人他在受夠苦之後所下的願心,重要的不是那個受苦的過程或經驗而是那個「願心」,其實受苦常常是比面對容易的,但是領受奇蹟的人因為願意面對真相而瞬間脫離苦海。分享奇蹟的人常說我也不知道我寬恕了沒?或怎麼做才是寬恕?但是他知道他有寬恕的意願。


134: 許添盛醫師主講:錢是一種流動的心靈能量分享















133: 没有用心的经营自己,要想出人头地,是妙想天开!

一般人有很多梦想,但只停留在 “想” !中国阿里巴巴网站的创办人马云曾经说过,很多人在晚上睡前想了 “千条路” ,早上起来还是 “走原路” !人的 “想” 是天马行空,说的时候 “天下无敌” ,做的时候是 “有心无力” !
有位友好,创业时候的使命是 “伟大” 得很,可是几年下来,个人没什么成长,谈来谈去都是老套,结果被迫要转换跑道!美其名是 “识时务” ,实际上是 “无可奈何” ;进入新的行业,一切都得从新再来,而且还得自圆其说的自欺欺人!
很多人梦想一步登天,期待一夜致富,如果这是一条可行之路,那儿老早就挤满了人,还轮到我们吗?每当经过 TOTO 店(贩卖彩卷的商店)时,看见成堆成堆的人龙,才发现 “无知” 的人确实很多!难怪我有位朋友说:“这个世界上什么都缺,唯独不缺的是傻佬” !
年轻的时候经常转换工作是无可厚非,可是有的人一年到头都想跳槽,没有时间的累计,没有用心的经营自己,要想出人头地,是妙想天开!父亲曾经告诉过我,只要肯 “下工夫” ,天下之事,没有学不会,没有做不到的!
一友好曾从事销售工作 40多年之久,很少转换跑道;即使现在70多岁,心态还是像年轻人一样,经常和我谈起要如何发展?除了日常的活动,他也经常看书,甚至还参加长期进修课程!活到老,学到老,从他身上,一览无余!
市场是现实的,而且永远是对的!不管个人做了多少的努力,只要 “没有进步” ,终究要面临被淘汰的命运!看看您周围的朋友,是否发现他们还在转换工作?坦白说,工作再换,机会再多,还得靠 “实力” 来支撑! 
肯 “下工夫” 的人,也许刚开始的时候看不到 “速度” ,可是日积月累的 “进度” ,可不会输给那些不切实际的 “空谈份子” !…
“下工夫” 的人,运气会越来越好!

132: ACIM (Mandarin) 奇蹟課程

"奇蹟課程"的形上學是借用佛洛伊德的心理學觀點而講給現代人聽的。它用眾所周知的 ego 來表達一個迷失的自我(真我),我譯為小我,而非自我,因為它具有負面的本質。

"奇蹟課程"說,我們忘卻了自己本來的完美境界,誤以為自己毀棄了神性的生命而自我放逐,想在天堂之外另闢一個人生舞臺。這種等待天譴的心靈只可能給自己一具註定死亡的肉體,打造出一個永受無常之苦的人間,生生世世在此上演 「可憐的我」(poor me)的連續劇。





因此,《奇蹟課程》正是針對小我藏在潛意識裏的那一套無明妄念而提出的另一套思維體系。但我們必須明白,小我的思維邏輯已經跟身體的生存本能合而為一了,兩 者必會沆瀣一氣,抵制「靈性的思維」,因此,當你要學習《奇蹟課程》這類與小我截然相反的思維方式時,身體的每一個細胞都會抵制那些念頭。(練過這部課程 〈學員練習手冊〉的人必然懂得我在說什麼。我們剛開始練習時,不論自己多麼想要記得今天的練習主題,書一放下,人一轉身,就忘得一乾二淨。即使作小抄,寫 在紙上,到了晚上,才發現那紙條還在口袋裏,碰都沒碰一下)




Friday, September 18, 2009

131: free of worries (by Master Cheng Yen)


Learn to develop pure and unconditional love, a love that has no sense of gain or loss, that asks for nothing in return, in this way we can be free of worries.

By Master Cheng Yen

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

130: Fundamental teaching of ACIM

"...Learning how to forgive ourselves and others is really the fundamental teaching of ACIM. The Course teaches us how to know ourselves and how to unlearn all of those things which interfere with our recognition of who we are and always have been.."

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

F & N for I G 129 (from ACIM)


Perception’s fundamental law: You see what you believe is there, and you believe it there because you want it there.
Perception has no other law than this.
In truth, nothing that you think you see in it is there.

What you see reflects your thinking. Your values are determiners of this, for what you value you must want to see, believing what you see is really there. No one can see a world his mind has not accorded value. And no one fail to look upon what he believes he wants.

128: Seminar on “Givers Vs Takers” by Dr Aaron Lim in PJ On Sep 12, 09 (Saturday)

Rules for change

- Awareness of the need for change.

- Slow and gradual (at your own pace).

- Need to become round and smooth. Observe all planets in the universe. All planets are perfectly round. We must choose to smoothen out all jagged edges which affect our happiness.

- Taking full responsibility for your own life. Absolutely no one to be blamed.

Main learning points

1. Don’t anchor love with hurt.

2. Romantic or parental love or love towards relatives/friends is NOT pure love. It is ownership.

3. All the mountains we need to climb ARE only in our mind. Just shift our consciousness by changing the angle we look at things.

4. We give lots of unconditional/universal love, but we have not learnt how to receive and how to take.

5. We don’t love or share or give mainly because we are afraid of the pain of rejection.

6. Love wants to express itself.

7. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can change from form to form. Energy must be cyclical.

8. Abundance will go to where the joy is.

9. Giving can easily turn into Taking when Giving does not come with wisdom e.g. Giving things which receiver does not need (such as giving heavy crystal to a divine person). The best and most appreciative gift on earth is “cash/money” which is the most powerful medium of exchange.

10. The Giver must understand the receiver first before giving.

11. Be like “Banyan tree” which is very big and shady with lots of small/tiny seeds. This shows very tiny seed can produce marvelous tree. In the same way, some seemingly very small acts but can produce great impacts/results.

12. Small changes can bring big impacts, e.g. smiling face can improve relationship.

13. Soul needs food. Food for soul is love.

14. When you enjoy the fruits of your crop, always remember the planters!

15. The greatest need of a human being on earth is to be acknowledged. Example, no matter how small a person may be to your life giving you a sms, you must acknowledge with love. Not acknowledging means making the person feels unimportant. Never make any person feels unimportant.

16. The fact that the person has come into your life for any purpose at any given time, he/she is truly important for your learning and growth. Remember he/she is YOU too.

17. Many people have grown in body and biological age but not in spirit, such people are highly immature.

18. Positive thinkers always think with possibility. Positivity means possibility.

19. Who can we recognize? The answer is we can only recognize our own kind, e.g. I can’t recognize any living Buddha or GuanYin or Prophet or Christ even they are right in front of me. This is simply because I am not. I only recognize my own kind who has about the same level of my consciousness.

20. Remember: the wind will not change to suit my sail. I have to suit my sail to the wind. In this case, wind is Nature/God, I can’t expect Nature/God to suit me, but I have to align my heart to Nature/God.

21. Business is about relationship. In business no one is small.

22. If I don’t recognize the person in front of me as God, I will surely damage/destroy him/her. Example, lending money regularly to help a relative/family member/friend or attempting to save him/her from creditors’ harassment. Such seemingly kind action in actual fact will damage/destroy the person’s life. This is because the person is being made not to be responsible for his/her own life.

23. Be aware of the fact that loans to relatives or family members or friends will always end up in zero repayment (according to USA statistics). If you really want to help, it may be a better option to apply for a bank loan where you sign as one of the guarantors. Statistically, bank loans will get a better chance of at least some repayment.

127: Monthly ACIM Seminar by Dr Aaron Lim in KL on Sep 13, 09 (Sunday)

Powerful learning points

1. What we judge on others, it is a disowned part of ourselves.

2. When you react to a projection, you become the projection.

3. If you don’t deal with your shadow, it will deal with you. Example, if you like to eat a lot and become fat, that habit of eating is your shadow, and growing fat is now dealing with you or harassing you, meaning causing you serious health problems which will adversely affect your life or even your life span.

4. As we move through our shadow, we can then reclaim our light.

5. If we reject our own Reality, the Reality will war against us. Remember our Reality is Pure Love, Joy and Peace, but if we are NOT loving, joyful or peaceful in our life, then we are at war with ourselves. How foolish it is!

6. What does not kill us make us stronger.

7. The “Gold” that we seek is hidden in the dark.

8. We all have a divine recipe.

9. Shame can devastate our sense of pride.

10. The greatest gift of forgiveness is we free ourselves.

11. To accept fully who you are.

12. No one is a prophet in his/her own country.

13. All of us are mortal beings, that is why mortality is part of us and we must be aware “time is NOT on our side”!

14. The concept of Rule No. 6, i.e. don’t take life so seriously. Drama in life is constantly a series of never-ending illusion, and only you perceive the drama as big or serious.

15. “You are your own Guru”, you must believe it yourself. No one is your Guru. People can only guide or coach you, they can’t teach you because you are the source of your own infinite and eternal intelligence of possibilities.

16. If you say it is holy, then it is holy. If you say it is unholy, then it is unholy. If you say today is holy, then it is. As you say so, so it is. If you say you can do it now, then you can do it now. But if you say you are NOT ready yet, then you are truly NOT ready yet. Your mind will decide everything for you. Thoughts create reality.

17. “Birds of the same feathers flock together”, this means people/beings of the same type/frequency will always gather together as a group/herd. Thus, right-minded people will always gather and attract each other. On the other hand, negative-minded people will attract similar people. As an example, ACIM people are right-minded people who meet together once a month.

18. The whole course of ACIM can be briefly summarized in the following manner:-

i. All issues in the world come from SEPARATION. We only see separation in our life. We must constantly remember that there is no separation. Everything is an extension of you. You have it all within you as you are the unified fields.

ii. We are here to REMEMBER WHO WE ARE. Everyone in our space is a reflection of us. You love others you love yourself, and you hurt others you hurt yourself.

iii. We have only one true emotion in our life, i.e. our True Self (or Pure Love). We seek pure love to replenish love. We have forgotten we are love and we are light in the brilliant light, and therefore we need darkness to realize that we are indeed light. That is why our life is full of darkness and this is to prove to us again and again that we are light. Even then, we are still asleep to dream that there is no light.

iv. In our illusionary world, we experience great joy and great pain. When we remember we are light, we are in great joy, but when we forget we are light, we are in great pain.

v. Anything that is NOT expressing love, we cannot be at peace with ourselves. Similarly, when we are NOT in alignment with ourselves, we are NOT at peace or happy. The more unified with what you are, the more you remember who you are and the more conscious of your True Self.

vi. You are indeed the first recipient of your gratitude. Today we must be more loving than yesterday. ACIM focuses on MIRACLES. Your life today must be more miraculous than before as you learn ACIM.

vii. What then are MIRACLES? Not mystical/magical miracles as many people think! ACIM defines MIRACLES in 50 ways, but the most significant definition is “Every expression of LOVE is miracles”. Love understands itself. Simple words like “thank you” are expression of love. In fact, expression of love can be in so many different ways.

viii. Remember that when you express love, never take away free-will of others. Highest expression of love is to allow others to exercise free-will choice.

ix. Everything in life has no meaning except for the meaning you give to it. Since you have full power to give meaning to anything in your life, why not then you give the highest joy to it, unless you don’t love yourself. If you truly love yourself, why not give joy and peace as the meaning for anything in your life?

x. Our spirit is pure love which is also pure joy and peace. To remove our shadow, we must focus on light to shine on it.

xi. Our insanity is because we have temporarily forgotten who we are. Love and fear are inversely proportionate to each other. When love goes up, fear must come down proportionately and vice-versa. When we are in fear we forget who we are. The more we fear, we more we feel lack.

xii. Nothing is joined except for the minds. Bodies can’t be joined unless the minds are joined. Our face is the mirror of our thoughts.

xiii. Religion without love is like food without nutrition. Every encounter is a holy encounter. When you remember who you are, you will also remember who he is/she is.

xiv. Purpose of body: biological purpose (used or not used in life). Real purpose of body is to help/serve me to remember who I am. Thus we must take good care of the body to serve the highest purpose.

xv. Jesus said “Be in the world and NOT of the world” i.e. don’t attach to the world. He also said “Love your neighbors as yourself and to love everyone as much as I love you”.

xvi. We forget that it is an error, and NOT a sin. Error in perception can correct whenever we remember it. If a sin can be made against god, the god is not whole. Majority of humans believe in sin and thus they are in darkness. Fear can’t exist by itself. Miracles undo fear. Fear e.g. superstition stop you from loving others. The world is teaching fear instead of love.

xvii. What is holy vision? It is seeing things with love, unity and strength. Always remember to smile.

xviii. When we empty our mind, we will open all possibilities in life.

xix. We can’t learn LOVE because we are already LOVE itself! LOVE is our natural inheritance. The opposite of LOVE is FEAR. If you can feel threatened, it is NOT real. Don’t give power to unreal because things you fear do not exist!

xx. If I defend myself, I am attacked. Nobody can attack you; it is YOU who attack yourself. No one can suffer loss unless it is his own choice/decision. No one suffers pain except his choice elects this state of mind for him. Life has suffering but NOT life is suffering. All sufferings come from attachments and resistance to let-go.

xxi. You don’t have to believe in GOD because you are IT already.

Friday, September 11, 2009

F & N for I G 126 (Forgiveness_love)

1. The most powerful tool that human beings possess to eliminate the clouds & conflicts in their minds that block the flow of abundance & prosperity is Forgiveness.


2. Stay silence & still. Ask myself repeatedly the following questions:-

- Why do I exist here?

- What am I doing now?


- 我为何存在?

- 我到底在做什么?

When we grant forgiveness, we release from within ourselves some form of fear, hatred, anger & guilt. We make room within us for more love to enter.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

F & N for I G 125 (Teaching of SETH)

SETH = Spiritual, Enlightenment, Transformation and Home-going

1. We are born healthy and free from diseases. Our organs are in perfect condition.
2. Our body can naturally heal.
3. Our body conditions are mirrors revealing facts of our inner spirituality and real life.
4. Four "A" = Awareness, Accepting, Acknowledgment & Actualization.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

F & N for I G 124 (letting-go of wanting to help people)

1. I must learn and be willing to let-go undesirable thought of "I want to help people". First, I ask myself whether helping others will give me joy and peace, whether this thought of wanting to help people is consistent with self-love. If no, I must let-go the thought of being a care-taker.

2. I love myself by fully accepting everything about myself.

3. I am aware that tragedy of a person's life will always begin from the day when he/she wants to become a good child (to please others). I will not want to do things merely to please others. If I need to do things for others, I must see to it that it will give me feeling of joy and peace.

3. We must let-go the belief system of "We ought to..", "We should do..".
Remember that as far as practicable, whatever we do, it must be something that we really enjoy doing it. Not something I ought or should do!

4. Everything in life, living or non-living things, must go through a complete cycle of four stages i.e. birth (establishing), growing (prospering), declining (weakening/sicknesses) and death (end of life cycle).

5. In this regard, all events of life also follow the flow of these four stages which are equally applicable to anything including our "life drama" which cannot be ended if this cycle of life has not been fully completed yet.

6. The process of letting-go can ONLY be fully achieved after all the four stages of the cycle have been completed. Otherwise, letting-go may not be truly achieved.

F & N for I G 123 (letting-go of negative emotions)

1. Negative emotions such as fear, resentment, hatred, anger and frustration can be discharged from our minds ONLY after such negative energies have been released from our emotive system. The release is done ONLY through true forgiveness. Forgiving oneself as well as forgiving others are fundamental steps.

2. There is absolutely no self-love if a person cannot
- forgive himself/herself; and
- forgive others

Therefore, self-love must first come from self-forgiving. The effective way is to let-go the idea/habit of self-blame, or cursing oneself for some wrongdoing. Letting-go of self-disgust or self-hatred is an effective way to forgive oneself.

3. Practice true forgiveness is an important ingredients for pure LOVE and compassion.

4. To practice pure LOVE including self-love, one must fully accept and acknowledge oneself. The foundation must be built on confidence, conviction, hope and loving heart.

F & N for I G 121 (Quotes from well-known personalities)

1. Mother Teresa:

"If you judge people, you have no time to love them"

"If we cannot love the person whom we see, how can we love God, whom we cannot see"

2. William Shakespeare:

"Three sentences for getting success;
- know more than other
- work more than other
- expect less than other"

3. Adolf Hitler:

"If you win, you need not have to explain. If you lose, you should not be there to explain"

4. Swami Vivekananda;

"In a day, when you don't come across any problem, you can be sure that you are traveling in a wrong path"

5. Albert Einstein;

"If people feel that they had never made a mistake in their life, then it means they had never tried any new thing in their life"

6. Charles Dickens

"Never break four things in our life;
- Trust
- Relation
- Promise
- Heart
because when they break, they don't make noise but pain a lot"

7. Thomas Alva Edison;

"I will not say I failed 1,000 times, I will instead say that I discovered 1,000 different ways that can cause failure"

8. Leo Tolstoy;

"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself"

9. Abraham Lincoln;

"Believing everybody is dangerous, but believing nobody is even more dangerous"

F & N for I G 120 (Self-love through forgiveness & flow of emotions)

1. True Forgiveness is the foundation of self-love. To truly forgive ownself and others will directly help release negativities from our mind and heart.

2. Negative emotions cannot be healed through dilution of memory. To truly heal our minds, we must allow negative emotions (e.g. anger, hatred, guilt, resentment etc) to flow through, and thus release from our heart. Energies must flow smoothly and must be allowed to flow through/release without any barriers.

Pain will be felt and diseases will occur if energies are blocked or unable to flow smoothly. This is the basic rule of healing our mind and emotive heart.

3. We can do it by lovingly calling your name and telling yourself gently "George, I truly love you 100%. I have totally accepted you and I fully acknowledge you for everything about you. I am truly proud of you. You are worthy and valued".

4. I fully recognize that I am NOT obligated at all to do anything which brings no joy or peace to me.

5. Pain means no flow or sluggishly flow; smooth flow means no pain. The way to HEAL is to ensure SMOOTH FLOW from our minds and heart.

6. The rule of leading a happy life is to fully enjoy one's life, lead a happy, contented & peaceful life by freeing ourselves from negativities. Build pure love in our heart.

F & N for I G 119 (Self-love)

"5 A" for self-love
1. Awareness
2. Acceptance
3. Allowing
4. Acknowledgment
5. Actualization

Please answer the following questions from own heart:-

1. Do I have self-love when I am reluctant to take responsibility of my own life?
2. Do I have self-love when I don't have courage or power to take responsility of my own life?
3. Do I love myself when I refuse to live at the present moment?
4. Do I love myself when I always regret and hold grievances against my past incidents?
5. Do I love myself when I always refuse to recognize the fact that my beliefs have created reality in my life?
6. Do I truly love myself when I always find it difficult to let-go my habits of taking care of others or worrying for others or fond of assisting/putting my hands into others' affairs?
7. Do I have self-love when I refuse to change or refuse to unlearn & relearn?
8. Do I have self-love when I don't respect and honor my parents and family members?
9. Do I truly love myself when I always harbour in my mind negative energies such as fear, hatred, resentment, anger, guilt, frustration etc.
10. Do I have any self-love when I cannot forgive myself and others?

Do we really comprehend the meaning of timelessness and spacelessness? Such comprehension is critical as it will help us realize some of the pertinent questions, such as who am I? what am I doing here? what is the purpose and meaning for me to come to this world? what is my life mission? and so on.

My belief system will bring about my thoughts which create my emotions. Resulting from my emotions, my behavior will be formed which will result in effects/consequences to my life.

To change/transform my life, I must first of all change/reverse my belief system by putting LOVE first in everything that I think, do or say.

F & N for I G 118 (Radiating love and happiness)

Radiating love and happiness

Have you ever experienced that love and happiness are not dependencies? It is our decision to love and feel happy. Our true nature is LOVE, thus we must learn to love and be loved. These are ingredients for us to be happy.

We don't actually need anything to love and feel happy. It's not something that comes from outside, in truth they come from inside of us. When we radiate a loving and happy energy, we will be amazed what they attract into our life. Love and happiness will come to our life naturally.

Decide now, be loving and happy, and watch miracles begin to enter our life.

F & N for I G 117 (love - fear - pain - dream)

1. I am love I am light. Mother planet earth has half light and half darkness, i.e. day time and night time. This is the nature of our earthly existence. Unless we move on to grow and ascend our consciousness to transcend it to 100% love (i.e. 100% light), we will never be able to attain eternity in love and light. Our earthly existence always brings us light, darkness & pain at the same time. That is why we have been facing and experiencing up-and-down (love and pain) in our daily life.

2. When we feel afraid of people, it is because we are afraid of our own thoughts. When we hold inner fear in our mind, we have low or no true self-love and self-esteem.

3. When we have pain we have fear.

4. When we need a dream to reveal certain things in our life, we can do so by telling our mind before we sleep "I want a true dream from the gate of horn"

5. The key elements in the art of working together is how to deal with change, how to deal with conflict and how to reach our potential.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

F & N for I G 116 (From my heart to Divine Swami Baba)

Dearest Swami Baba, I love you.
With your divine grace and blessings, I praise you and I honour you.

Way back more than 45 years ago when I first heard about your divinity, healing of the sick and many miracles performed by you. At that time, my heart was not ready or willing to get to know you.

It was only until 30 months ago when I first met you in Bodhi Fellowship Centre in Melaka, Malaysia, and there I saw your picture and I felt touched when Dehyana & Dr Aaron lovingly introduced to us about your greatness and profound love & compassion.

From then on, my life began to transform gradually and steadily. My love grew and my heart began to open to receive your grace, blessings & teaching. Swami Baba I love you dearly from the bottom of my heart. You have total unconditional love and compassion for all living beings on Mother Planet Earth.

Your teaching is marvellous, I love you & I praise you.
Yes, there is only one religion, called Religion of Love.
Yes, there is only one language, called Language of the Heart.
Yes, there is only one caste, called caste of Humanity.
Yes, there is only one God, called Omnipresent.

The whole Mother Planet Earth is praising you for your pure love and compassion. You are a great living guru on earth. I love you dearly.

With your grace and blessings, my family and I received your divine invitation to come to Puttaparthy. We came here with the compassionate guidance of Dehyana, our beloved teacher.

On many occasions, I just cannot control my tears whenever I was in front of your pictures. My joy and gratitude caused the flow of my tears. Your grace moves my heart. I am touched by your grace, blessings and love.

Swami Baba, when I see you here in Puttaparthy, my tears still flow.
For you move me, you touch my heart.
My soul feels at Home in Puttaparthy.
My soul feels at peace here.
The joy and happiness are immeasurable.

I'm grateful to you Swami Baba for helping me to heal my mind, for arranging Dr Aaron and Dehyana to guide me, to raise my consciousness and to awaken me. I now learn to live a more conscious and loving life with purpose and meaning.

Swami Baba, I am ready to surrender my life to love all and serve all, to help ever and to hurt never. In this regard, I offer and release all my negative thoughts & undesirable habits to your divine hands for discharge.

I am ready and willing to receive your guidance on how to remove & release my greed, anger, desire, hatred, jealousy, pride, attachment as well as other negativities. Swami Baba, I am grateful to you for helping me become an awakened person with total freedom, love & compassion.

Love you Swami Baba,
I honour you,
George Lau

F & N for I G 115 (4 tenets of guilt resolution )

1. Anything which I feel triggered emotionally, meaning I am holding unconscious guilt in my mind. Thus I justify or put-up self-defence. The more I do it, the more guilt I am holding.
Remember to practice "allow others to be themselves"
Let them be, so be it.
As above so below. As within so without.

2. Whenever I feel trigerred emotionally, it is the result of my own projection. When I project out, it mirrors back to me. It is because I have a magnet in my aura field which attracts it back to my space, telling me that it is me who holds such guilt. This means I hate that part of myself within me.

3. I then forgive myself for having done this to others in the past. I also forgive others who have done this to me.

4. I feel grateful that he has helped me recognize my guilt.
I feel grateful to God for showing me my own guilt.
I feel grateful to myself for my readiness & willingness to change my within and to purify my soul.

F & N for I G 114 (Greetings - Sai Ram)

1. Using "Sai Ram" as greetings is very common & popular among people in Puttaparthy, India.

2. In Puttaparthy I learnt how to be patient and how to live at peace and ease with myself without feeling of irritation. I learn to live graciously, to lead a life of true patience by trusting God, and to live a life without feeling of irritation.
If there still exists any feeling of irritation, it is my own inner issue i.e. I'm still holding unconscious guilt, and I have projected it out to the person who mirrors back to me. I will then forgive myself as well as others for the incident.
I will also express gratitude for the learning & experience.
I love every part of myself - love all my body cells.

3. I recognize that all pains and sicknesses in our life come from "Resistance". Thus freedom from "Resistance" will give us freedom from pains & sicknesses. Practice of ease and grace is a critical step in our daily life.

Five pillars for spiritual life:-
1. Devotion to God/Teacher/Parents
2. Purification (physical/psychological/spiritual..)
3. Meditation
4. Study
5. Servise & contribution

Three pillars for relationship:-
1. 100% accountability
2. 100% honesty
3. 100% willingness to be wrong

F & N for I G 113 (Love - pity - fear)

1. Pity binds, Love exalts.

2. Don't deny fear (e.g. anger, resentment, hatred, impatience, irritation etc), look at it closely & deeply and have power over it.

3. Don't say "sorry or apology" unnecessarily. Instead say "excuse me".

How to look at beggars and handle them:-
1. Look at them as God.
2. They perform their duties as contract with God.
3. I look at them with love & compassion.
4. No feeling of pity/sympathy as pity binds, love exalts.

If I feel pity for them, I lower my frequency & I also bring them lower.
When I feel love towards them, I will raise my frequency and help them raise too.

5. The meaning of "Greed" - What I have will be taken away. I must receive with joy what is entitled to me.

F & N for I G 112 (Wisdom of Swami Sai Baba)

Swami Baba said:-
"Love is my form, Truth is my breath, Bliss is my food"
"Truth is what I say, Righteousness is what I do, Peace is my nature and Love is my form"
"The good hearted man who professes no religion is the truly religious man"
"There is only one religion, the religion of Love. There is one language, the language of the Heart. There is only one caste, the caste of Humanity. There is only one God and he is Omnipresent"
"Start the day with love, fill the day with love, end the day with love, that is the way to God"
"Help ever and hurt never"
"Love all serve all"
"Without peace, there is no happiness"
"When I talk to you, I correct you. When I ignore you, I love you. When I talk about you in your absence, I love you even more"
"If you love one, you can't love all. If you love all, you can't love one"

Swami Baba's teaching is based on:-
1. Sathya (Truth)
2. Dharma (Morality/wisdom) - Right Conduct
3. Shanti (Equanimity/peace/bliss)
4. Prema (Love)
5. Ahimsa (Non-violence)

F & N for I G 111 (Greatness of Swami Sai Baba)

Sai Baba is truly a great human being on planet earth. He is uniting all religious groups in the world. His teaching is to love all serve all. He promotes Religion of Love.

For thousands of years, the world has been divided by religions thus causing serious separation of mankind. Now I feel profound gratitude for Sai Baba's selfless deeds in bringing everyone on earth together without any brand of religion. This is in fact the highest deeds for mankind on planet earth. Such highest form of love & compassion touch my heart and I always salute Him for His greatness to humanity.

The vibration of love energy in Puttaparthy is so strong that there is no feeling of any division/separation here. Love flows endlessly and I rejoice in the blessings of Swami Baba. Followers of Swami Baba are followers of love and compassion. I feel perfect peace & joy in Puttaparthy, India.

With my heart now opens to send and receive love & compassion, my tears of joy & gratitude flow naturally. I feel so grateful to Dehyana for lovingly showing me the way to see Swami Baba in India. Thank you very much indeed Dehyana. My love & gratitude to you always. From the bottom of my heart, you and Dr Aaron are my greatest teachers on earth.

I am learning NOT to judge/criticize others' acts, thoughts or words. I am learning to appreciate everyone around me, to show my love and gratefulness to people who are with me providing support, assistance as well as lessons for my growth. The people are so loving & compassionate to be with me to guide and heal me.

I must always remember Dr Aaron's words i.e. to put love first in whatever I think, act or say.

F & N for I G 110 (Miscreations)

1. When we hold negativities in our mind, such as fear, guilt, anger, jealousy, hatred and impatience, these are indeed "miscreations" of our ego mind.
Please remember that God has created perfection, wholeness, holiness, completeness and purity in everything. In truth, God's creations are perfect, whole, holy, complete & pure. But we "miscreate" imperfection.

2. Love and fear can never co-exist, i.e. it is either Love or Fear. It cannot be some love and some fear. When my mind & soul are integrated & connected, then I am in total peace with my being. I am love & compassion and rejoice in God's grace & joy.

3. The power of silence - I must learn to stay silence. I must not engage myself in any meaningless conversation which is not food & nutrition for my soul!

F & N for I G 109 (Nothing in life really matters)

1. Yes nothing in life really matters as long as we practice true forgiveness.

2. The tongue of angel is to speak with love.

3. Remember that we return to childlikeness to enter the gate of heaven.

4. Never say "this is my last lesson, I will not do it again". Instead, we say "yes, I have learnt the lesson & I now recognize its meaning. I will not do it again"

5. Attachment to the form is a cause of pain - practice detachment.

6. When we open our heart, our emotions will flow and tears will flow. This is a cleansing/purification process. When I saw Sai Baba (even far away) during my visit in India, I had strong feeling of pure love & compassion. The powerful energy of love vibrated strongly and my heart opened to receive love, grace & blessings. My tears flowed. The feeling of Baba's greatness touched my heart!

7. Learn the real meaning of "Patience". Avoid our instinct of "fast/speed up". Be aware, it is HASTE and not grace or graciousness.

F & N for I G 108 (Light of God)

The light of God surrounds me;
The love of God enfolds me;
The power of God protects me;
The presence of God watches over me wherever I am God is and all is well.

I love You God;
I praise You God;
I thank You God;
For by Your Will;
And by Your Grace, I am.

F & N for I G 107 (Sai Baba's love)

Many people go to Baba and see only his beautiful form and incredible miracles. They are interested only in his physical presence, in a personal interview and a miracle. They take very little of Baba's message. Baba has told us that these miracles are not important in themselves; they are only baits to catch our attention, so that we will listen to the message he has come to Earth to give.

He has also explained that he is in each and every heart which thinks of him. There is no need for a personal interview or for Him to speak to you or look at you or even for you to go to India. You merely have to open your heart wherever you are to realize he is there. So many have experienced this truth through dreams or meditation or in times of crises when they could see or feel Baba's presence.

We mention this, because we occasionally found at "Prasanthi Nilayam" emotions such as desire, anxiety and even fear, envy and hatred over whether or not Baba showed attention to one or one's neighbour. Of course, these emotions are perfectly normal considering our upbringing and ignorance of what we "really" are, which causes us to constantly look for approval and acceptance from those on whom we have high esteem.

But we need not have any fear, as universal love knows no attachment and no aversion. Ignore the physical drama and know that Baba loves all equally. In his own words: "I do not discard anyone. I cannot, it is not my nature to do so; have no fear, I am yours—you are mine.”

The main physical means of communication with Baba is through letters. These letters can be of a wide variety: asking for interviews, requesting healing for a long standing or difficult illness, asking for advice on a material or spiritual decision—and who knows what other requests are hidden within those thousands upon thousands of letters. The letters may be sent to Baba from abroad, passed on to him by a friend who is going, (or, in the event that you Yourself are blessed to be there,) you can hand it to Baba directly during "Darshan".

It is not my opinion that these letters are "read" in the physical sense of the word. In fact, I don't believe the letter even has to reach Baba. He is omnipresent—He knows all and everything past, present and future. So, He is aware of our question or request, the moment we pose it in our minds. The giving of the letter is all for our own feeling of security and satisfaction.

Letters may be written in any language for his mind is beyond the veil of languages. He will speak to you in Greek or English or any other language if necessary.

Therefore, we do not expect a "physical letter" back. We may receive our answer in different ways. Baba may speak to us physically (if we are there), in a dream or in meditation. We may pick up a book and the answer will be there or a conversation with someone may illumine us. If there is an illness involved, it may simply begin disappearing or we might become aware of what we must do to become well.

We would urge anyone who needs guidance or help of any variety (no problem is too material, too spiritual, too easy or too difficult), to write to Baba, physically or mentally and have faith in your overcoming this obstacle.

—Helianthos Yoga Union, Athens

F & N for I G 106 (wisdom & compassion of trees)

Observing the wisdom and compassion of trees around us:

1. Trees grow upward instead of side-way. They show us that they understand the wisdom of ascension.

2. Trees' roots would grow deeply into earth. By grounding firmly into earth would provide them with stable foundation for long term healthy growth.

3. Roots of trees hold the ground firmly to stabilize earth & soil to prevent erosion, thus protecting environment & preventing flood. Furthermore, trees would absorb carbon dioxide and in return they give out oxygen for human beings and animals. This shows the greatness and compassion of trees in the world.

4. In cold countries, trees shed all leaves during autumn. Most trees are without leaves throughout winter. Purpose of shedding leaves is for preserving life during cold season. This is a process of removing (or letting-go/detachment) burden (i.e. leaves) in life. Trees know that life preservation is the priority before arrival of cold season. Thus, trees are aware of the need to practice letting-go/detachment.

5. Trees would always enhance/enrich beauty of nature. Trees in forest provide living ground for animals. Trees also provide fruits, food & nutrition for living beings. Without trees, mother planet earth would not be complete. More importantly, trees provide excellent ecological balance for mother planet earth.

6. Just pause and ponder for a while to appreciate the greatness and value of trees in the world! For thousands and thousands of years, trees have contributed significantly to the development and growth of mankind. I always ask this question: "Can we live without trees?". The answer is clearly no. Imagine that our houses and buildings are built with wood from trees, our furniture are made of wood, our paper products come from trees, even the first fire on earth came about with the help of wood. In fact, civilization of mankind has gradually evolved with the great contribution of trees.

7. Trees always bear fruits naturally and periodically to feed living beings. Trees are truly compassionate and selfless as they produce abundant fruits to feed living beings without any pre-conditions attached. Trees serve all humans and non-humans on earth. Without trees there may not be human beings on earth.

8. With this backdrop, can we now feel the greatness and criticality of trees to the world in general and mankind in particular? For that, I am very grateful for all trees on mother planet earth.

F & N for I G 105 (Relationships)

1. Our spiritual lessons begin with family relationship.

2. Learning spiritual lessons without confronting/facing issues created by family relationship, this would mean avoiding/running away from such issues. Such behavior would not help us grow spiritually.

3. Foundation of love is built from relationships.

4. People who cause misery to our life are the people who make us great.

5. Acim provides food & nutrition for loving relationships.

6. This is the path of NOT getting, but giving or letting-go. Resistance is the cause of all types of pain.

7. An important key to build understanding and loving relationship is by way of "setting boundary with love" and "to make things very clear to others". Relationship issue is always due to ambiquity of boundary meaning that no proper/clear boundary is set, and thus causing tremendous misunderstanding & disputes.

F & N for I G 104 (Fact of life)

1. Never explain yourself to anyone.
It is because the person who likes you does not need it, and the person who does not like you won't believe it.

2. When you keep saying you are busy, then you are never free.
When you keep saying you have no time, then you will never have time.
When you keep saying that you will do it tomorrow, then your tomorrow will never come.

3. When we wake up in the morning, we have two simple choices. Go back to sleep & dream, or wake up & chase those dreams.
The choice is yours.

4. We make them cry who care for us.
We cry for those who never care for us.
And we care for those who will never cry for us.
This is the truth of life, it is strange but true.
Once you realize this, it is never too late to change.

5. Don't make promise when you are in joy.
Don't reply when you are sad.
Don't take decision when you are angry.
Think twice. Act wisely.

6. Time is like a river.
You can't touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again.
Enjoy every moment of your life.

7. First I was dying to finish my high school and start college. And then I was dying to finish college and start working. Then I was dying to marry and have children.
And then I was dying for my children to grow old enough so I could go back to work. But then I was dying to retire.
And now I am dying.
And suddenly I realized I forgot to live.
Don't let this happen to you.
Appreciate your current situation & enjoy each day of your life.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

F & N for I G 103 (Love - fear - life)

1. We cannot let-go of fear, we have to increase our love. Only love can replace fear. Release our fear by increasing our love.
2. We are the creators of my own life. Stop blaming others. Take full responsibility of our own life.
3. If we believe in a god with lack, it is us who lack (reflection of oneself).
4. We don't feel we are whole. Why?
Because people always tell us we are less than whole and we are also lack of awareness that we are indeed whole.
5. The truth will set us free. The truth is we are whole, pure, holy, perfect & complete.
6. We came to this planet earth because we are less than 100% love. By the time when we leave planet earth, we must make sure that we leave with a more loving thought than when we came here.
7. To achieve that, we must change/transform substantially & fundamentally.
8. How can we become more loving? We can do so by seeing things with more loving eyes (i.e. seeing GOD in everything). Don't give away any of our power to others.
9. Why do we fail to give or receive? It is because we always feel undeserving, thus we reject giving or receiving.
10. Sharing must be from the place of abundance with love and without any conditions attached. Thus, when we share, we don't need/expect any acknowledgement or appreciation.

F & N for I G 102 (As we so say, so it is)

To begin with the end in mind.
To make our life perfect & desirable. No need to be right.
Holiness will pull our conscience back.
You shall sow, so shall you reap.
Why do people want to become victim? It is because there is reward. Without reward, they can heal their mind faster.
Whatever you want you let it go (no attachment).
Law of self-phophecy.
Energy cannot be destroyed, cannot be created, but can change/converted from form to form.
Growth means remembering who you are.
Hands that serve are holier than lips that pray (Sai Baba).
Dominant thoughts (DT) would decide one's path. DT move the body. DT must be fulfilled/satisfied.
Thoughts cannot be suppressed but can only be replaced by another thoughts.

F & N for I G 101 (True nature of life)

No permanent state of existence. Change is the only constant in the universe. Thus no permanency.

Change is part of our consciousness.

Acts of compassion vs acts of kindness (e.g. setting free animals).

All beings are conditioned beings.

Practice love, gratitude & forgiveness in a more conscious mind.

Power, wealth & comfort are very hard to let-go. Strongest attachment.

Enlightenment & liberation (in truth, light already in us, but we have forgotten it).

No relationships are special in this world. All relationships are WHOLLY Not SPECIAL.

Life has infinite possibilities.

Life is a journey of remembrance.

Empty out every idea/thought from our mind to allow the process of unlearning & relearning to grow.

Making choices in life. Choices come in package which represent consequences.

Making our life a conscious creation.

F & N for I G 100 (Insane Mind)

Only insane mind would take weapon to attack.
When we arm ourselves by preparing weapons, it means we prepare/attract people to attack us.

Unconditional love is true freedom.

Harmonious union of myself. If I have union problem with others, it is due to having union issues within myself. Listen to the voice of my conscience.

If I don't forgive others, it is because I don't want to forgive myself. I forgive my own imperfection & to forgive humanity.

Frightened people teach fear. Loving people teach love.

F & N for I G 99 (Addiction)

Addiction is NOT a physical problem. It is a thinking problem. Can be addicted to any forms, habits, religion, thinking, idea, belief etc.

"Ular sawah tidak akan menjadi ular darat, walaupun ia kadang kadang naik ke darat, ia akan tetap balik ke sawah juga"

Addiction (obsession) - hiding the shame
To fill up perceived emptiness through addiction

Fear of death = fear of life = fear of love

Conscience (Heart)says "Don't do it", if you still do it, it is betrayal.

To raise consciousness to the highest.

True forgiveness comes from the place of pure love.

F & N for I G 98 (God - love)

Life = God = Love = Nature = Intelligence

Son = Manifestation of the form

Father = 1st thought (original thought)

Holy spirit = process to allow the formation. Force or energy that makes it happened (invisible)

Be still and you will know that I am is God.

God extends
Ego projects

Pray to God is to express gratitude from one's heart, not asking/begging for favour.

Our life purpose is to love & be loved.

F & N for I G 97 (Holding guilt - four tenets)

Whenever you feel your emotion/heart is being triggered, this implies that you are holding unconscious guilt in your consciousness. It mirrors back to you reminding you of your state of consciousness. In this regard, you express gratitude to the people who mirrors back to you. You then forgive yourself for such incident. This is the four tenets as explained by beloved teacher Dehyana.

When I hold unconscious guilt, my children very likely would mirror back to me (leaking to children). This is about me, NOT about other people.

F & N for I G 96 (life ownership - Shindaro the Ninja)

I live my life. Parents live their own life. Never live your children's life. You don't live your children's life. You live your own life.

You don't own your children. You don't even own your life. You don't even know when will be your last breath, when will be your last moment of your existence in this life.

How badly do you want something in your life? The answer is if you want something bad enough, you will attain it by "leaving your palace" like Buddha who left his palace to become Buddha. Ask yourself this question: Can you "Shindaro the Ninja"? - Can you break through the barriers of your journey?

Show me your fruits first! Don't talk to me about your religion which means nothing to me!

F & N for I G 95 (Water)

Are you as secured as water (H2O)?
Are you a container or water?
Shape of container is immaterial/unimportant to water.
If I'm water I will be at peace with everything around me.
We resist to be water, why am I feeling insecured? Because I'm not water.

When we were born, our basket was totally empty without any baggage. Then we collected or bought-in lots & lots of ideas & belief, until the basket is full - filled up by all sorts of rubbish.

The solution is to practice letting-go, unlearning & releasing the rubbish from the basket.

My highest good is my highest ability to love. So I say, so it is.