Tuesday, May 24, 2011

224 - Numerology (life numbers) by Kylie Floate

Hi George,

29/11 Co-operation and Balance; Integrity and Wisdom and the ultimate life purpose, highly concentrated double energy of Confidence and Communication.

The ultimate life purpose will be achieved in 2 phases usually after the first life lesson is mastered. The last phase of Confidence and communication may never be achieved as there will already be a high level of success from achieving the 9 energy, but the heights that can be achieved if a leap of faith is taken is in the realm of celebrity status.

Starting with childhood and teenage years. They prefer smaller intimate friendships with only a few good friends, as much as they yearn for popularity among their peers they can find it difficult to get along with others. They can be quite studious and obsessive about hobbies or interests. They really don't enjoy confrontation, but find themselves 'rubbing people the wrong way' (i hope you understand that expression, it just means that you can irritate people without meaning to).

Although they are very intelligent they are reluctant to ask questions in class, often nod that they understand when actually they don't. When start work they are the ones that work through their lunch break, they work unsupervised behind a desk or computer, in taxis or trucks, they like to be left alone so they can get on with in. Often Family and social lives can suffer, they can seem quite selfish to others as they only seem to care about themselves. They can be quite underhanded particularly at work where the make themselves look good by making others look bad. They can be quite sneaky and deceptive, particularly when their hard work goes unnoticed.

They must learn to listen to others, not just waiting for their turn to speak. When balance is achieved by sleeping enough, eating correctly, family, friends, hobbies, spirituality they find they can get along with others well and actually enjoy being with others.

The widen their friendship circle and start spend less time at home with a book or in front of the TV or with work stuff and start accepting dinner invitations and other social outlets. They start to function - others respond really well to this new attitude. Often a big life event brings about this change in attitude. A death of a loved one, a loss of a job, a marriage breakdown, the birth of a child - something big that make you wants to change your ways.

This energy bring in the 9 energy and the 1st phase of Confidence and Communication this usually leads to a big promotion, working in management, training (like you do), it is a huge achievement! Usually doesn't happen until late 30's or late 40's. This is a very contented time of life, but still there isn't a feeling a being totally satisfied - you want more!! Even though you and others are very proud of your accomplishments, something feels like it is missing.

Even though you have become a great person that people can look up to, reliable, responsible, true to your word, inspirational - a true leader, there is still a greater calling for you! This is the phase where you can make up for past issue with children or partners. Having children and marriage late in life is far better as having them earlier means that mistake were made and you people you loved very much were let down. Fortunately relationships can end happily, even if they started out difficult.

There will come a time when you feel the need to speak out, it is an energy of rallying the people and possibly starting a revolution!! It is having the courage to walk away from a very successful career to focus on something that you are very passionate about. It can be a spiritual calling or a political issue, medical belief, children rights - whatever it is its big and they people you are trying to influence and inspire will respond.

As long as it comes from the heart, with wisdom and integrity the people will listen and respond. You really have the numerology to start a riot! Even if its done in a more passive way, having the courage to follow your life purpose will have thousands of people flocking to you that you will profoundly affect and inspire. You are destined for greatness George! Very exciting numbers!

I hope this has been insightful - sorry for adding up your numbers wrong in the first place! I think this suits you much better!

Love and Light
Kylie xx

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