Tuesday, December 13, 2011

258 - 14 Crucial Highlights by Dr Aaron Lim on Dec 10 2011 at Spiritual Parenting Seminar

When children feel that their parents focus mainly on their body (examples: focusing on material stuff like school work, tuition, exam..) but not interested in their souls or talents, the children will feel unloved, they will turn away, resulting in children not interested in or close to their parents (who place wrong focus). This will lead to painful struggle and miserable relationships between parents and children

Is your relationship with children or parents Spiritual or Biological? Our life should be based on spiritual instead of material

Suffering comes from our ignorance of attachment to a person, an idea, belief system, tradition, customs, religion or to any thing

When you have no expectation, you have no pain in your life

Consciously remember to smile at every moment, even you may smile to yourself when alone! The Universe will know how to respond to you in love

Every thought will be nourished by the Universe, is just like every seed will be nourished by the soil. Universe and soil will never judge, condemn or discriminate anyone or anything

People of right-mindedness always attract each other, right-minded people attract right-minded people. That's why the consciousness of children will be similar with that of the parents, this follows the Law of Nature, 'birds of the same feathers flock together'

We did not come to this world for our parents. We are here for our own specific reasons

We may not know or remember why we are here but we just want people to love us for who we are (not who we should be)

Have a life of your own. Allow your children to have their own life

For realty property, the emphasis of its value is always based on location, location, location. But for guiding principle of life, it is always compassion, compassion, compassion (CCC) or kindness, kindness, kindness (KKK)

First Rule of Love is Listening. Are you listening to the people you speak to? Are you listening to your body? Are you listening to your inner voice/soul? ..wow..

Do you feel valued by the people around you? Remember the foundation of any relationship is built upon the feeling of VALUED or LOVED. Relationships will definitely break down when there is no listening (just want to talk without listening), people can not feel valued let alone loved..

Are you Inspired in your life? It means are you 'In Spirit'? Your Spirit is not with you when you are not living a life of your True Nature, that is LOVE and LIGHT

-- Summarized by George --

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