Monday, June 27, 2011

236 - Email to Sen Hock and Alice Seah

Hello dearest Hock and Alice,

Wonderful morning to you. You may like this sharing!

Feel free to share and inspire each other.

Sharing is caring, we strengthen our COMMUNICATION and EXPRESSION through the process of SHARING. The more we give and share, the more we will receive. Blessings can only come to our life through the process of sharing and expression of GRATITUDE! The Universe will always respond that way with Grace and Compassion!

Remember to be determined to walk out from your box of limiting thoughts. You grow through sharing too! Hold each others hands together and to remind each others as both of you come to this world on the same journey with similar life lessons, no matter how strong your denials are.

Must practice sincere care for each others from your hearts, and NOT control, abuse or manipulate each others life!
Remember your true self is LOVE.

From the days I met both of you (Hock in 1982 and Alice 1995), I observed both of you have similar life energy, and that is why you are together to experience judging & condemning each other!.. you don't normally value and appreciate each others, you take each others for granted, and pushing each others away without knowing that you are actually pushing away yourself from your SPIRIT-SELF. This is precisely your joined life lessons. The pains have been going on for more than 10 years!..

You don't share and you also don't communicate and express. Remind yourself to regularly challenge your ego mind why you allow yourself to be 'blocked' from growth and expansion..

Also frequently challenge your ego mind as to why your life has been living within the tiny box of limiting thoughts whereby you can't even properly communicate and share with the closest beings in your life space? This breakthrough can ONLY be achieved if your SPIRIT-SELF is strong enough to over take the ego-self and that you are so determined and your desire is so powerful that you want GROWTH and EXPANSION.

One distinctive point to share with you about observing life is that if we frequently driving or orientate our mind to wearing and using branded and expensive things, in reality it does not in any way help us grow and expand. It only strengthens or reinforces our ego mind to move into the tiny world of poverty-consciousness! The ego mind always tells us that we are not good enough, and therefore we must only use and wear branded and expensive goods 'to add and enhance value' to our physical body and the materials world! The ego would also tell us to behave that way so that we are so attached and entrenched to this body and the illusion world, and forgotten our true nature!

Instead of using more money for charity and serving the highest good to support other beings, we use our money for branded and expensive things. We can truly love ourselves without using any branded or expensive things in our daily life and our consciousness must transcend and breakthrough this limiting thoughts from the ego mind.

Look at the most wealthy human beings on earth (like Warren Buffet, Li Ka Shing and Bill Gate..) how simple their life is.. Warren Buffet (aged 74) is still staying in the same house he bought 50 years ago!.. I always feel how wonderful they are! Warren Buffet and Bill Gate have jointly pledged to the world that at least half of their assets have been donated to their World Foundations. Tan Sri Vincent Tan is the 1st Malaysian tycoon who had made similar pledge in Feb 2011 for his 'Foundation for a Better Malaysia Tomorrow'. Wow.. they are normally wearing ties of only around RM50 except Vincent..

Like IOI boss (Tan Sri Lee Shing Cheng), he had donated the land and also built a new Chinese Primary School in Puchong Jaya about 5 years ago. How big his heart is! Amazing beings indeed. The school now has more than 1,000 students of all races. My neighbor's son is in that school. I praise and rejoice in Lee's generosity and great sharing!

Wow... inspired by their level of consciousness, I recently keep on reminding myself about using more of my money to help other beings whenever my heart feels the calling! I am so inspired by these noble human beings on earth! I may not have their level of wealth, but I can do whatever I can with whatever I have! I can share with the world with whatever way I can!.. Sharing of intelligence, wisdom, knowledge and information are obvious examples of giving and sharing for a better world!

Like Dr Aaron Lim, he is sharing the Daily Contemplation everyday. He gives and shares tremendous amount of life energy, time and resources for the poor. Both he and his wife regularly recycle personal belongings (such as clothing and articles..) or things which have not been used for more than a year or two, by letting other people use them instead of putting in the house to collect dust and rot!..

Hock and Alice, I hope you are at ease with my sharing of inner thoughts. It is all because in my heart you are one of the closest beings in my life journey. We come into each others life with noble purpose and reason which are of highest good and we may not even understand why. I only embrace our relationships with pure love and compassion.

I wish both of you truly well. And if it brings you joy and peace, you may wish to allow me to continuously holding your hands to awaken and shift your consciousness! However I am very clear that it is never my thought at all to involve anything in your personal life!

Have a joy-filled day. Love and blessings always.

Warmest regards,

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