Thursday, June 30, 2011

238 - Save Our Environment - Vegetarianism Reduces Global Warming

Hello dear friends,

Share with you an article on Save Our Environment - Vegetarianism Reduces Global Warming

In the year 2006, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations published shocking statistics about the amount of resources consumed by the meat industry:

The amount of acreage required to produce meat is twenty times the amount required to produce food for a vegetarian diet.

Nearly half of the world’s production of grains and soybeans are used to feed livestock. This supply could feed approximately two billion people instead.

More than two-thirds of the fuel supply is directed towards the production and transportation of livestock feed.

Half of the world’s water supply is used as livestock drinking water and other feed production support, including sanitation of the facilities.

Greenhouse gas:
The amount of carbon emissions generated by the meat industry is four times the amount generated by motor vehicles transportation.

We need to take immediate action to reduce and reverse the damage inflicted on Mother Nature.

By reducing meat consumption and converting to a vegetarian diet, we can create a sustainable environment meanwhile reducing possibility of world hunger!

Never under-rate the power of being a vegetarian!

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