Tuesday, June 22, 2010

176 - sharing with Dr Aaron Lim

Dear Dr Aaron, a wonderful day to you. Trust all is well.

I would like to share with gratitude some of my crucial experiences in life.

It is interesting to recollect some of my past experiences. I was born in a traditional Taoist family in a remote village along Perak River. From young age, I was much exposed to my village's Christian Church activities from reading bible, weekly church services & rituals, regular gathering to singing hymns. I was then active in the church activities for about 10 years, until university days. During that period I followed a few pastors/priests in search for a blissful life, but I failed to experience inner peace!

Towards mid-70s when I commenced my career in banking and I suddenly took a keen interest in Theravadian Buddhism (Ceylonese Buddhist temple in Brickfield and subsequently I enrolled as its life-member), and gradually from there I moved on to Mahayanan Buddhism (Chinese type of Buddhism) to experience its seemingly different way of life.

As a keen Buddhist, I followed several monks for their preaching sessions from place to place, and from temple to temple. This happened from mid-70s to early 90s. During that period, I attended many classes of dharma/discourses delivered by Buddhist monks and scholars on various aspects of Buddha's teaching. I also involved myself in some religious activities such as sutra chanting though I was not particularly keen in sutra!

Then I felt disillusioned with religions and slowly I completely lost interest in Buddhism as I felt that religions could no longer satisfy my desire in searching for peace!.. and I increasingly felt that religions could not provide me with inner peace let alone solving problems of mankind..

Then came early 90s when I took keen interest in practising meditation and yoga in my attempt to search for inner peace, and after some months of regular practices, I failed again because I still could not experience peace of mind!..

My life journey took a sharp turn from 1998 onwards. I then "invested" tremendous precious time,energies and money into serious studies of ancient oriental philosophies of 8 characters (analysis of life & fortune), selecting auspicious names & dates as well as Feng Shui. In the process of such learning, I gained insight into life from another perspective. I had for some years provided professional consultation to many people in these areas..

Then in early 2005, I had awakened a bit!.. Suddenly one day I became very interested in 'the unseen world' and I began another new phase/chapter of my eventful journey into sub-conscious & unconscious mind. At this stage, I was extensively drawn into the world of emotional healing activities through hypnotherapy, cosmic & energy healing therapy, family constellation therapy and a bit of spirituality.

This phase was truly eye-opening & life changing for me. It gave me tremendous impact and in-depth exposure to psychic healing thro' a well known American Hypnotherapist, Sylvia Browne who was a popuplar healer and author of many healing books. I read a few and I am still keeping many of her books in the shelf gathering dust!..

My life journey has been tremendously changed since 2007 when Nellie and I have navigated our journey to another direction of spiritual world of ACIM through recommendation of Wan Sin. There, we met you Dr Aaron.

This is another awakening period which includes a process of unlearning all the philosophies gathered in the earlier years. I gradually unlearnt the-once-highly-honored philosophies from my mind. I abandoned and let-go of this load upon realizing that 'I was insane and my mind was sick' to have spent precious life in such meaningless undertakings!.. I became aware that I must unlearn them in order to grow, awaken and to remember my true nature (Love/Spirit).

This phase of journey and exposure has been gradual but increasingly significant with great impact and it has transformed my life!..The transformation involves in-depth comprehension of true nature of life, gaining constant awareness of my thoughts, and ultimately aiming to move from ego/body to Spirit..

Through ACIM I begin to remember who I am and why I am here!..

I am now more conscious of my thoughts. I become aware that in whatever I think, act or speak, I must put love first, and that every event/reality in my life is created only by my mind & thoughts. I have recognized that everything occurred in my life is a valuable lesson for me to practise true gratitude and forgiveness.

My heart feels great appreciation and gratitude to you and Dehyana for helping me remember who I am. You have touched and transformed my life! You have directly contributed to my break-through process in raising my spiritual consciousness.

Much love & gratitude,

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