Monday, June 29, 2009

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 43 (Observing nature)

  • When I observe plants and trees around, I find that some of them don't seem to grow over a long period of time. Some of them even show signs of dying for no apparent reason.
  • On the other hand, I also observe a few other exceptional plants and trees which can grow very well and fast. They show great signs of life and vibrancy in their growing process. They are growing healthily and happily in their own ways.
  • From this observation, I can also find this common phenomenon in our human world. Most people don't seem to grow emotionally or spiritually even though they have grown well physically, intellectually, financially and socially.
  • When I say they are not growing, I mean that they "don't grow Love". Instead they focus on growing attachment for material wealth, the physical body, anger, hatred, regrets, resentment etc.
  • In truth, a small percentage of humans always show great potential and signs of growth. They have proven to transform within a short time to become so much more loving, compassionate, patient, soft, gentle and understanding than before. Think about this and ask "why is it so?".
  • I am convinced that a single major factor motivating the consciousness of mankind to change is this critical ingredient - "Readiness and Willingness to Grow Love Within and Without". If there is no such critical ingredient in their mind, it is almost impossible to change or transform, let alone to grow Love!.

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