Monday, June 22, 2009

I am very grateful to my parents for giving me such a precious and valuable life, for bringing me up and providing me with all the necessary support for my life. My loving salutations to my beloved parents. May God Bless You.

I always feel so grateful to the entire World, the Universe and all human beings on this planet earth for supporting my life by providing me with all the essential elements such as love, food, nutrition, fresh air, water, sun light, rain, electricity and so on.

My profound gratitude goes to my loving wife (Nellie), son (Kevin) and daughter (Jean) who have always showered me with great love and compassion.

I feel I am so well blessed to be constantly surrounded by love, compassion, kindness and care.

My gratitude also goes to all the human beings who have come into my space to touch my life. These loving beings include all my family members, teachers, relatives, colleagues, friends and associates who have been providing me with tremendous love, care, kindness, assistance, support and lessons for my learning experiences and growth.

I must take the opportunity here to express my inner most appreciation and gratitude to all of you regardless of where you may be now. Each and everyone of you have indeed played a very critical role in my life in one way or another in calling me up to awaken me from my deep slumber.

I feel equally grateful to my Holy Spirit and True Self for persistently guiding and correcting me for my spiritual growth.

I also express my deep gratitude to all Divine Beings who have been patiently guiding my growth and supporting my spiritual learning.

To all the above beings, "May God Bless You".

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