Monday, June 29, 2009

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 43 (Observing nature)

  • When I observe plants and trees around, I find that some of them don't seem to grow over a long period of time. Some of them even show signs of dying for no apparent reason.
  • On the other hand, I also observe a few other exceptional plants and trees which can grow very well and fast. They show great signs of life and vibrancy in their growing process. They are growing healthily and happily in their own ways.
  • From this observation, I can also find this common phenomenon in our human world. Most people don't seem to grow emotionally or spiritually even though they have grown well physically, intellectually, financially and socially.
  • When I say they are not growing, I mean that they "don't grow Love". Instead they focus on growing attachment for material wealth, the physical body, anger, hatred, regrets, resentment etc.
  • In truth, a small percentage of humans always show great potential and signs of growth. They have proven to transform within a short time to become so much more loving, compassionate, patient, soft, gentle and understanding than before. Think about this and ask "why is it so?".
  • I am convinced that a single major factor motivating the consciousness of mankind to change is this critical ingredient - "Readiness and Willingness to Grow Love Within and Without". If there is no such critical ingredient in their mind, it is almost impossible to change or transform, let alone to grow Love!.

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 42 (make choice)

  • Making choices in life - Before making the choice, there are infinite possibilities open to me. However, the moment I have made the choice, all the possibilities are closed.
  • That is the reason why most people on earth are frequently reluctant or unwilling to move on with their life by making the choice or decision timely. Because of the energy of resistance and reluctance, hence most people have become promising candidates for procrastination.
  • Remember Love is Food for Soul, and Soul does not need any chemical food.
  • Energy can't be destroyed or changed. It can only change from form to form.
  • I am on the journey for my Soul. If minds are not joined, why should I include others for my journey?. Just as why should others include me for their journey?.
  • The purpose of my life in this world is to remember who I am and my true identity. My mission in life is to Love and be Loved.
  • I am aware that I am born whole, holy, pure, complete and perfect as I am Son of God.

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 41 (Gita's wisdom)

Quote from Gita:
  • What is yours today belonged to someone else yesterday.
  • And will belong to someone else the day after tomorrow.
  • You are mistakenly enjoying the thought that this is yours.
  • It is this false happiness that is the cause of your sorrows.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 40 (loving thoughts)

  • Loving thoughts will produce loving forms. I must always remind myself to demonstrate loveliness to myself as well as to others. I remind myself that my mind is an Universal Mind instead of a racial or cultural mind.
  • I am aware that I can change my mind and my life will be changed accordingly.
  • Manusia (manu is mind; sia is being) means "being with mind".
  • Universe is God and God is Love. Love always brings joy, peace, compassion, kindness, uplifting words or gestures, sweetness etc. With Love, everything on the planet earth is possible.
  • Be aware that a person can feel frustrated or unhappy in the event that the energy output is maximum but the return or work done is minimum. I am conscious of the impacts and I take heed of those events in life.
  • My mind and belief created my body. I am NOT the body, I am free. To heal my mind, I will naturally heal my body.
  • When I don't feel well, I will tell myself "I am fine but the body is undergoing some issues". Don't say "my body". Instead, say "the body". I consciously dissociate myself from the body.
  • I am aware that the world is an upside down world. I will always choose "peace" instead of "to be right".

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 39 (No victim on earth)

  • I am conscious that I am the creator of all incidents or events in my own life. I am 100% responsible for my life. There is absolutely no room for any blame.
  • I have all the power to decide for my own life. It is totally my choice regardless of the nature of conditions I am in. Therefore, there is no such thing as "victim of circumstances".
  • Sickness is NOT an accident. Like all defences, sickness is an insane device for self-deception. The purpose is to hide reality, attack it, change it, render it inept, distort it, twist it or reduce it to a little pile of unassembled parts.
  • I always repeat this to my mind: "I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you".

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 38 (love myself 1st)

  • Be absolutely in love with myself (I am 100% love as Son of God). I have issues because I am NOT truly in love with myself yet.
  • Addiction is an indication of NOT loving oneself.
  • Anger, hatred, resentment and so on are also signs of NOT loving oneself.
  • Ego is a mind filled with thinking, logic, reasoning or intellectualizing. Whereas Spirit mind is feeling and love based.
  • Everything in my life is chosen only by me and no one else. I am therefore fully responsible for all the consequences of the choices made by me. I am aware that when I make any choice in my life, I am willingly and joyfully accept "the whole package of consequences" that come with it.
  • E.g marriage will include child birth, death, feneral of spouse etc; buying a car will include my choice of possibility of dying in the car. The choices are made by me unconsciously.

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 37 (no brand on earth)

  • Don't comment on other people's body e.g. big or small size, tall or short etc.
  • When I communicate with people, I always acknowledge the person first. Remind myself NOT to use "BUT" or "NO" unnecessarily. Stay positive, patient and loving.
  • Observe around to see that heavy fruits will not fall far from the tree (heavy means fear/karma). They always fall nearby and can't go far from the tree. Observe my own family members and relatives with open heart, my mind will slowly understand why.
  • There are no sinners on earth because Nature (or God) can't be offended by anybody, and therefore there is no forgiveness required from God.
  • The Universe (God) has no label or brand at all and the World/Planet Earth also does NOT have any label or brand. Therefore, there is absolutely no necessity for anybody to protect the so-called label or brand. It is only we human beings introduce label or brand to create separation among us.
  • Always check my own thought, is it ego talking or spirit talking?. Be aware that Ego always wants separation, to be right, judgment, demand, control, force, command, condemn etc. However Spirit only wants to lead me Home, to bring me joy, peace and love. There is no judgment, no argument, no conflicts for the Spirit.
  • Be aware that only love is real, at peace with myself, feel gratefulness, loving myself and forgiving myself.

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 36 (awakening process)

  • The key to RELEASE and TOTAL FREEDOM is to Feel all things, Trust all things, Accept all things, Allow all things, Embrace all things and Transcend all things.
  • Nothing in life for anyone on earth is absolute as all is relative to each other. We always tend to compare and judge among ourselves by focusing only on the differences while ignoring the vast similarities.
  • All humans are social creatures as no body in this world is an island.
  • Remember: Human nature is such that everyone wants to love and to be loved.
  • We are all born with total freedom and freewill to live our own life. Therefore, I live my own life and you live your own life and I must not let myself live somebody's life.
  • I must remind myself that we are so well blessed in our life today mainly because we are surrounded by different people of diversities (NOT of the same race, religion, culture, country etc). Imagine the food we eat, the clothes we wear or the cars we drive are mostly made/delivered by such people. Am I truly grateful for their goods and services?

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 35 (smiling means gratefulness)

  • When I smile, I am actually telling the world that my life is filled with joy and peace. It shows that I have gratitude for things around me and I have contentment too. This can only happen when my mind is at peace. Therefore, I learn to smile even when I am alone!
  • If I don't smile, it means my mind is not at peace and my life is not joyful.
  • Fortune will surely come to me when I always smile, say "thank you" or words of appreciation to people including stretching my hands out and lovingly say "Hello" whenever I encounter people.
  • Remember all encounters are Holy Encounters even though I may not know yet why I have encountered them.
  • All kinds of fear-based teachings/preaching have been constantly going on in the world. Such teachings/preaching always attract millions and millions of followers. The fact is that the more fear they teach/preach, the more people will depend on them and they can even manipulate people's life in numerous ways including charging higher and higher fees. This is the nature of human world today.
  • I am aware that I can only change yourself and NOT other people?.
  • I want to be like WATER which is loved by all living things in the world. There are no living things on earth that can survive without WATER. We can put WATER into any containers and it is full of flexibility. It will just flow freely from level to level, from place to place, from rivers to seas and oceans without any restriction.
  • Always ask myself can I be free, relax and flexible like WATER?. There is profound learning for me from the great nature of WATER.

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 34 (teaching fear & lack)

  • We can easily observe everywhere that most people are teaching FEAR instead of LOVE. This happens in families, schools, societies, organizations and so on.
  • Fear-based teaching can always make very big money as it can attract most people's interest and attention. This is because the people have been conditioned by fear inside their cage.
  • The question I would like to ask myself is that am I aware I have been inside my cage since birth?. I am now aware of this fact and the next question is how would I want to come out from my cage?. Do I feel I want badly enough to come out from my cage?
  • If you accept a limiting belief, then it will become a truth for you (By Louise Hay).
  • On this note, if I accept fear-based teaching or belief, my world will definitely become a world of fear.
  • Thoughts are THINGS. All THINGS (i.e. FORMS) come from thoughts.
  • The best fortune in life is to remind myself that I must always put a smile on my face even when I am alone!. I smile for myself and NOT for others.
  • Fortune telling is one of the worst things in life because it focuses on NOT ENOUGH or LACK. If I always focus my mind on Not Enough or Lack, then I am telling the Universe (God) that my life is always Not Enough or Lack. In return, I will surely be getting Not Enough or Lack.

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 33 (out of alignment)

  • Opinion is NOT important because it is NOT a fact or reality. It is merely based on perception and no knowledge is involved.
  • In this world I may have listened to numerous Mating Songs which are NOT Love Songs. Real Love Songs are NOT Mating Songs.
  • Am I aware that upon my birth, my freedom and freewill have been totally taken away from me?. From small I have bought-in all types of ideas or beliefs from parents and elders. Most of us have been put into a cage from birth for the rest of our life! Our life is conditioned by all the teachings given to us. Slowly over time we begin to feel life is filled with pain. If I can feel life is getting intolerable, it is all because I am about to awaken from my conditioned slumber.
  • If I can't achieve what I want in life, it is because I don't want it badly enough. If I really want it badly enough, there is absolutely no reason why I can't get it.
  • If I feel I am suffering emotionally, it is because I am OUT of alignment.
  • I can't be the LIGHT of the world if I don't forgive myself as well as to forgive others?.
  • Remember I can never hurt anyone in the world without hurting myself first!

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 32 (100% love)

  • Holiness is 100% love. Thus holiness is light.
  • Separation comes about from the tiny mad idea. When there is separation in our mind, we always feel we are different from the source.
  • What is REAL? Truth is real and changeless. Anything which is changeable is NOT real.
  • When I compare, I always judge. Thus, judgment comes from comparison.
  • Messenger is not the message. Don't attach the message to the messenger.
  • The path to enlightenment is unconditional love. Without such love, there is no enlightenment.
  • If the mind is NOT at ease, then the body is out of ease. Thus, disease (dis-ease/out of ease) will appear.
  • Miracles are the expression of love. Miracles come from the power of love.

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 31(Acim)

Quotes From ACIM
  • To fragment is to exclude, and substitution is the strongest defense the ego has for separation.
  • The one emotion in which substitution is impossible is LOVE.
  • Fear is Love's replacement.
  • Fear is both a fragmented and fragmenting emotion.
  • Substitution of illusions for truth, of fragmentation for wholeness.
  • God is NOT fear but LOVE.
  • Inward is sanity, insanity is outside you.
  • We look neither ahead nor backwards. We look straight into the present.
  • Our sinlessness is but the Will of God.
  • Your salvation is your only purpose.
  • Sorrow and depression, sickness and pain, darkness and dim imagings of terror, cold fantasies of fear and fiery dream of hell. These are crucifixion of yourself.
  • Your faithlessness did this to you. Don't let yourself use faithlessness against you.
  • Your release is certain.
  • Give as you have received.

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 30 (practicing gratitude)

  • Am I ready to receive blessings and abundance? If I say I am ready, then my Heart and Mind have been open. If they are NOT open yet, it means I am NOT ready yet to receive.
  • Am I aware that things just can't come in when my doors are closed?. The key to open my doors is only this: "Be grateful, nothing but grateful". I must always practice Gratitude, Gratitude and Gratitude..
  • Two main emotions for all of us i.e. Love and Fear. Love exists in a permanent/eternal state. Whereas Fear does NOT exist in a permanent state. Fear is NOT real, it exists only in our mind temporarily.
  • Contemplate on this: "If today is the last day of my life Vs if today is the first day of my life"
  • If today is the last day of my life, then the final things that I must do NOW are:
  1. To forgive all those I have not forgiven yet.
  2. To say "Sorry" to all those I have yet to say so.
  3. To love all those I have yet to say "I love you".
  4. To hug all those I want to hug but I have not hugged yet.

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 29 (pray from heart)

  • Salvation is Self-Elevation. This means I elevate my consciousness to be more loving and to awake from slumber.
  • Contemplate on the truth of this statement: "Nothing outside needs to be changed for me to be changed". This means "I must change my own thoughts for me to see the changes outside".
  • Prayer is a science. Scientific prayer is important.
  • All prayers must be from my heart and words of gratitude and appreciation must form the core contents of my prayers. In doing so, all my prayers will be answered.
  • Before I end your prayers, always remember to include one question "What can I do for you, God?"
  • I will never turn my prayers into a "begging session". If I do so, my prayers will not be answered.

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 28 (time & space)

  • The word "remember" means "rejoining the membership" or "returning to be a member". This implies "self awakening".
  • All physical bodies or forms have limited time period on earth and all is subject to decay.
  • But this is NOT in the case of Spirit or Soul which is characterized by eternity.
  • Bodies or Forms are attached to the planet earth which in its entirety is bound by TIME and SPACE.
  • I and only I can change my own life. There is no one else in the world who can change my life.
  • Belief makes my life, but NOT life makes my belief.
  • God is Love. God is Light. Therefore Love is Light.
  • God is Nature or Universe.
  • Divine entity is also known as "Deity".

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 27 (embracing change)


presented by

Dr. T. Aaron Lim

Co-Founder, Bodhi Fellowship / Center For Inner Peace

  • We have all had the experience of realizing that something in our lives is not working. This knowledge can come as a sudden realization or a nagging feeling of doubt that grows stronger, waking us up to the fact that something needs to change.
  • Some people have a tendency to act rashly and make sweeping changes before even understanding what the problem is. Other people fear change, so they live with the uncomfortable awareness that something needs to shift but won’t do anything about it.
  • Between these two extreme responses lies a middle way that can help us powerfully and gracefully change what isn’t working in our lives.
  • The first step is remembering that your life is made up of parts that belong to an interconnected whole. Changing one thing can change everything. Because of this, small changes often have a big effect.
  • Sometimes much bigger changes are necessary, but the only way to know for sure is to take the time to really understand the problem.
  • Examine your life as an entirety—your work, your relationships, where you live—and determine what specifically is not functioning the way you would like.
  • Once you have figured out the problem, write it down on a piece of paper. Writing down the truth can be a powerful catalyst for change.
  • The key to making changes that work is to accept the necessity of change as part of life.
  • As we change, we may find it necessary to fine-tune our relationships, work, and living situations. Our lives are living, breathing entities that reflect our dynamic selves.

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 26 (die from lack of love)

  • Remember I can't give what I don't have, e.g. love, money, energy etc.
  • To be spiritual means to learn how to be more loving, forgiving, allowing, accommodating, encompassing, embracing and so on.
  • I will only teach/guide people how to love each other. I will not teach others about fear.
  • Most people in the world die from lack of love.
  • Water seeks the sea and human seeks love.
  • Inside all of us is our internal teacher. Whatever we need to know is already with us. Internal teacher is talking to us everyday through internal voice or spiritual voice. But why can't we hear it?
  • The opposite of LOVE is FEAR. No partial love nor partial fear.
  • I am aware that the world has no meaning except for the meaning I give to it.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 25 (Christ said)

  • Jesus Christ once said: " I never promised you it would be easy. But I only said it would be worth it".
  • Anything worthwhile is NOT easy. Anything easy is NOT worthwhile.
  • On this note, I can also say: "I never promise you sunshine without rain or I never promise you rose without thorns".
  • Ponder on this statement: "More fear will create more resistance. More resistance will create more fear".
  • I am aware that human beings need at least 8 hugs a day? In this regard, what would I do to have 8 hugs a day?
  • Hug is an expression of pure love and pure heart. Hug without any judgment. When I hug I express pure love and I feel truly loved.
  • As two of us lovingly hug, I will provide opportunity for a gentle touch and meeting between the two souls.

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 24 (Fear)

  • FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real.
  • Choice Vs Consequence. I have total freedom and freewill to make my own choice or decision on anything about my life. However, after making the choice, I am no longer free to choose the consequence of my choice.
  • Rumah Sakit (Hospital) Vs Rumah Sihat. Don't focus on Sakit (Sickness), instead should focus on Sihat (Health).
  • I take medicine because I want to continue to be well. Not because my life must depend on the medicine.
  • I tell myself "I'm well and happy". Don't tell myself this: "May I be well and happy".

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 23 (Blame)

  • When we blame others, we give away our power - By Grey Anderson -
  • When I blame others, in truth I blame myself.
  • When I am angry with people, I am actually angry with myself.
  • When I hate others, I am actually hating myself.
  • Similarly when I am resentful, in effect I am resentful towards certain part within myself.
  • When I love others, in truth I love myself.
  • I can't love others if I don't truly love myself.

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 22 (God-Love)

  • God is but LOVE, and therefore so am I.
  • I am as God created me.
  • I am Son of God, I am part of God. I am born pure, complete, holy, perfect and whole.
  • Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists, herein lies the peace of God.

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 21 (Rejoicing)

  • First Thought (Father) is also known as Dharma Kaya. The first thought will create Form (Son) which is also known as Nirmana Kaya. The energy utilized to transform the thought into Form is known as Holy Spirit (Energy process).
  • To rejoice in each other's wealth. Able to appreciate/praise others' wealth is an important awareness to reinforce one's abundance consciousness.
  • Ask myself can I rejoice with people who are different from me? E.g. someone from a different religious tradition or race.
  • Remember, conditional love is NOT true love. It is ego's love.
  • Unconditional love is pure love or universal love. No condition whatsoever attached to such love.
  • Compassion Vs Kindness. Compassion consists of empathy (no buy-in of emotion), whereas Kindness consists of sympathy (with buy-in emotion).
  • Cherish someone is much more than loving someone.
  • The greatest disease in life is the disease of loneliness. When my Heart is open and filled with pure love, I will NOT feel any loneliness.

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 20 (Love people)

  • There is absolutely no security in any job in the world. We must always be grateful for the job we are holding. There could be hundreds or thousands of people waiting outside for our job! Thus, treasure our job by putting in our best effort to perform and deliver.
  • If a person is truly leading a spiritual life, the person will always be in the company of uplifting people. However, if the person is constantly surrounded by negative people, then the question is whether the person is truly leading a spiritual life!
  • Love people, use money. Love money, use people. People will always go to the place where LOVE is. Love is the most important attraction.
  • The more I can empty out, the more I will get in return. Letting-go is the key to abundance.
  • Long life Vs Valuable life. It is more important to live a valuable life than a long life. Be a useful and valuable human being.
  • Most people don't feel loved, thus constantly looking out for love. I must have love to give before I can receive love.

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 19 (feeling good)

  • "Feeling Good" is the key to bliss in life filled with real peace, joy and abundance.
  • Saying "Thank You", "I Appreciate It" and this will bring great blessing to my life.
  • Be conscious to focus on (giving power) what I want and NOT what I dislike.
  • Saying "I am well", "I appreciate it", "I'm so grateful" are some of the important keys for one's wellness.
  • Whatever I fear to lose in life, that is the thing that I am going to lose.
  • I can't force anyone to love me. I just have to be lovable, lovable and lovable, people will naturally come to me.
  • Money is energy. Energy will always flow when there is a vacuum. I can create a vacuum and money will flow in to me. Focus on the vacuum and to create as large a vacuum as possible.
  • I can't give what I don't have.
  • Tell myself "don't exchange time for money i.e. job". This will help reinforce my consciousness to be abundant.

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 18 (school vs education)

  • The purpose of going to school is to increase our value as a human being. Its purpose is NOT to get a job and thus to get money. Most people feel fearful of NOT having a job and this is due to fear of NOT having money.
  • This arises from the consciousness of lack. It is also known as Poverty Consciousness. Remember that we are all born with ABUNDANCE, thus our consciousness should be Abundance Consciousness. But why is it that along the way the consciousness is changed to poverty?
  • Our current financial position is the effect (not the cause) of our limiting belief/thought system. The state of our consciousness determines the state of our financial wellness or economic well-being.
  • Even if I am "not well" at this moment, I must be conscious to remind myself that:
  1. I am taking this (e.g. pills) to continue to be well;
  2. I am now going through a temporary situation only.
  • Never say "I am broke" (don't give power to it). Instead, learn to be conscious to tell myself "I am only temporarily out of fund".
  • If I can shift my thinking, I can also shift my life.
  • Never say " No choice".

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 17 (self)

  • When I remove "self" from my mind, there would be no more judgment because there is no longer any point of reference available.
  • If my mind is NOT ready, there will be no miracles in my life.
  • Spiritual living is Love, Love and Love..
  • When I say "no" to people, why do I always feel quilty about it?
  • Ponder on the following points:-
  1. When I chase after something in life, I can't get it. Why?
  2. When I greet people "Good morning, how are you today?". If the answer is "Not fine" or "Not well" or "No good", then that person will carry the negative energy for the day.
  3. Everything has been fully provided to me upon my birth. Do I truly believe it?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 16 (Fulfilled life)

  • Beginning the day with Love and Gratitude. Going through the day with Love and Gratitude. Ending the day with Love and Gratitude. Throughout the day with Love and Gratitude.
  • Express gratitude to the people around me. I don't have to intellectualize love and gratitude.
  • Remember, never create anything which I am aware of its undesirable consequences.
  • Stay conscious to live by Source Energy. To experience real JOY in life, I must surrender to the process and have faith in God. This is a way to live a fulfilled life.

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 15 (disappointment)

  • If I experience constant disappointment in my life, then for sure my life is filled with constant pain and suffering.
  • If I persistently have doubt about certain thing or decision in my life, this would mean that I am NOT clear with myself. Ask myself why is it that I am NOT clear with myelf? Could it be because I have resisted my own self even though my Spirit has already told me again and again that my direction/decision is NOT RIGHT. But I just can't hear it!
  • Fear Vs Love. In life it is only either Fear or Love. There is no such thing as half fear or partial fear and half love or partial love.
  • Am I aware that friendship is truly invaluable?
  • The hardest thing for us to do in life is learning how to love.
  • Whether we like it or not, life journey is a journey of crossing path with each other. Crossing path is so natural and it does not need any planner or designer to do it. It just happens for "unknown reason".
  • I am aware that my mind is full of Unfulfilled Desire, therefore I can't hear our own voice?I don't learn to listen to the voice of my inner self and I even go against my own voice. This is why I always feel so painful with life!
  • Are you aware that the Law Of Infinite Possibilities In The Universe is constantly operating in our life?
    Can you think about it and give a few examples to illustrate this law?

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 14 (Napoleon Hill)

  • According to Napoleon (A Great Thinker), after we have conceived an idea, we must believe it. Then we must take positive steps by putting in efforts to materialize/achieve it.
  • When I pray, I am talking to God. When I meditate, I am talking to myself.
  • The Law Of Allowing in essence is to love myself unconditionally.
  • Will Vs Shall, e.g. "I WILL come" (it is my will), "I SHALL come" has no will.
  • When my life is not joyful, it is because my life is "out of alignment".
  • The Law Of Unity says everyone will be harm including the ones who have caused the harm to others. I can't harm others without harming myself.
  • The Law Of Three means I must listen for 3 times to remember it. It also means when I have heard a message for 3 times, then I must not ignore the message.
  • We can't give what we don't have. Without first loving ourselves we can't love others.

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 13 (stay conscious)

  • Always stay conscious to observe and watch with our eyes but without judgment.
  • "Empathy" does not involve emotion in "buying-in"
  • "Sympathy" always involve emotion in "buying-in"
  • Every drama or event in a person's life representing the Heart is crying out for LOVE or LOOKING FOR LOVE.
  • Be aware that our FEELING is critical and it can guide our life. THINKING does NOT guide our life.
  • Think about this:-
  1. Can I see electricity or air?.
  2. I can't see them, but can I say that they are non existent?
  3. Imagine that if there is no air, we all can die just within 1-2 minutes.
  4. Think about how many of us truly feel grateful for air, water, sunlight, rain etc.
  5. Think for a moment, am I aware of our breathing and are we truly grateful for the airI breath in?
  • Never say "I don't have a choice" because this statement in itself is a choice too.
  • Thoughts trigger Emotions which give rise to Feelings.
  • Ponder this:- Why does a woman walk behind her man. The reason for her to do so is to guide her man. But how many men can really appreciate the love of their women?

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 12 (Parenting)

  • Most parents tend to project for their children.
  • Be aware that our children have their own life to live.
  • We have our own life to live. Thus, don't put on hold for anybody in life.
  • Parenthood is the worst investment if parents put their life on hold for their children.
  • I am aware that man can't live without woman. But woman generally can live without man. Why?
  • Couples still stay together inspite of severe pains and suffering, because they do so mainly for the sake of their children. This is in fact the worst thing to do in life. Why? Remember that it is indeed a horrible thing to let our children live our life.
  • If we put 10-20 years of our life on hold, it means that we would have no life of our own. What a horrible drama in life!
  • Never shout loudly across to any of our family members or other people. This show there is no graciousness or gentleness. It also reflects there is no ease and grace.
  • Don't ask our spouse on arrival at home after work "how is your day?", instead we must learn to say lovingly "I'm so happy that you are home now.." and hug.
  • The key to a happy life is to live a fulfilled life. Remember never look for someone out there to fill our life.

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 11 (wooden bowl)

The Wooden Bowl

I guarantee you will remember the tale of the Wooden Bowl tomorrow, a week from now, a month from now, a year from now.

A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and four-year-old grandson.

The old man's hands trembled, his eyesight was blurred, and his step faltered. The family ate together at the table. But the elderly grandfather's shaky hands and failing sight made eating difficult. Peas rolled off his spoon onto the floor.

When he grasped the glass, milk spilled on the tablecloth.

The son and daughter-in-law became irritated with the mess.

'We must do something about father,' said the son.

'I've had enough of his spilled milk, noisy eating, and food on the floor.'

So the husband and wife set a small table in the corner.

There, grandfather ate alone while the rest of the family enjoyed dinner.

Since Grandfather had broken a dish or two, his food was served in a wooden bowl.

When the family glanced in Grandfather's direction, sometimes he had tears in his eye as he sat alone..

Still, the only words the couple had for him were sharp admonitions when he dropped a fork or spilled food.

The four-year-old watched it all in silence.

One evening before supper, the father noticed his son playing with wood scraps on the floor.

He asked the child sweetly, 'What are you making?' Just as sweetly, the boy responded,

'Oh, I am making a little bowl for you and Mama to eat your food when I grow up.

'The four-year-old boy smiled and went back to work.

The words so struck the parents that they were speechless. Then tears started to stream down their cheeks.. Though no word was spoken, both knew what must be done.

That evening the husband took Grandfather's hand and gently led him back to the family table.

For the remainder of his days he ate every meal with the family. And for some reason, neither husband nor wife seemed to care any longer when a fork was dropped, milk spilled, or the tablecloth soiled.

On a positive note, I've learned that, no matter what happens, how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.

I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles four things:

a rainy day, the elderly, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.

I've learned that, regardless of your relationship with your parents, you’ll miss them when they're gone from your life.

I've learned that making a 'living' is not the same thing as making a 'life..'

I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance.

I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands.

You need to be able to throw something back sometimes.

I've learned that if you pursue happiness, it will elude you.

But, if you focus on your family, your friends, the needs of others, your work and doing the very best you can, happiness will find you.

I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision.

I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one.

I've learned that every day, you should reach out and touch someone.

People love that human touch -- holding hands, a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back.

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 10 (Love vs kindness)

Try to appreciate the meaning and differences among the following words:-
  • Loving
  • Merciful
  • Forgiving
  • Compassionate
  • Kind
  • Caring
  • Sympathetic
  • Emphatize
A revengful person is one who is holding burning fireballs in his hands. This person will get hurt and injury first.

Similarly, a resentful person resembles someone who drinks poison but he expects other people to die.

It must be noted that everyone of us has power To Love And Be Loved. We can always send our loving thoughts to others.

In this respect, please ask:-

Am I willing to love and be loved?

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 9 (Acim)

March 17, 2009 6 am

Just now when I read ACIM lesson 77 (I am entitled to miracles), I felt I was totally at peace and calm.

However, when I read the text page 146-148 (The Undivided Will of the Sonship), my emotions gradually triggered and I could feel intense waves of energy moving/vibrating in my body. I felt very touched when I slowly read the text word by word and line by line. As I reached the 2nd half of para 2, my tears began to flow, and the intensity was greater and greater as I continued to read the text very slowly. Then I started crying again like yesterday morning. I cried when I reached para 4 until the end (ie para 6, page148). These few para are very powerful indeed.

The inner feeling this morning was the same as that of yesterday morning. This time however I slowly repeated the reading aloud over and over again for 5 times from para 2 to the end (ie para 6), and I cried as I read slowly. By the time when I read for the 5th time, my emotions began to subside gradually and I regained my calm.

The feeling is so great and marvelous as I could feel the power of love within me. At that moment I sent my deep gratitude to God for His Grace.

Quote below some very powerful statements from the text I read this morning.

Para 2

“….The recognition of God is the recognition of yourself. There is no separation of God and His creation…Let the Love of God shine upon you by your acceptance of me. My reality is yours and His. By joining your mind with mine you are signifying your awareness that the Will of God is One…”

Para 3

“..God’s Oneness and ours are not separate, because His Oneness encompasses ours. To join with me is to restore His power to you because we are sharing it. I offer you only the recognition of His power in you, but in that lies all truth. As we unite, we unite with Him….”

Para 4

“… When you unite with me you are uniting without the ego, because I have renounced the ego in myself and therefore cannot unite with yours. Our union is therefore the way to renounce the ego in you. The truth in both of us is beyond the ego. Our success in transcending the ego is guaranteed by God, and I share this confidence for both of us and all of us. I bring God’s peace back to all His children because I received it of Him for us all...”

Para 5

“...Would you know the Will of God for you? Ask it of me who know it for you and you will find it….Ours is simply the journey back to God Who is our home. Whenever fear intrudes anywhere along the road to peace, it is because the ego has attempted to join the journey with us and cannot do so. Sensing defeat and angered by it, the ego regards itself as rejected and becomes retaliative. You are invulnerable to its retaliation because I am with you. On the journey you have chosen me as your companion instead of the ego. Do not attempt to hold on to both, or you will try to go in different directions and will lose the way…”

Para 6

“… The ego’s way is not mine, but it is also not yours. The Holy Spirit has one direction for all minds, and the one He taught is yours. Let us not lose sight of His direction through illusions, for only illusions of another direction can obscure the one for which God’s Voice speaks in all of us. Never accord the ego the power to interfere with the journey. It has none because the journey is the way to what is true. Leave all illusions behind, and reach beyond all attempts of the ego to hold you back. I go before you because I am beyond the ego. Reach therefore for my hand because you want to transcend the ego…

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 8 (Acim)

This morning (Mar 16, 2009)at around 4.30 I started reading the ACIM book. When I was reading it, I began to feel my emotions were triggered gradually but powerfully, even to the extent that I could not control my tears. Then I cried and cried for almost an hour.

The feeling was so amazing and overwhelming that I could feel God was talking to me face-to-face in the same manner as I read ACIM word by word. His words were so fantastically powerful that I felt my Heart was totally opened and touched. I was fully conscious and I have never before experienced such wonderful feeling when I read ACIM book.

During the one hour of emotional outburst, I could feel that my Heart was filled with great joy, gratitude and love. Almost every word I read from ACIM could trigger my emotions so strongly! At that time, I had deep feeling of joy and gratitude to God that I was given God’s Grace and Blessings of remembering of who am
On this note, when I was in India in Jan 09, during one of the meditations, I received from Swami Baba a Gift known as “Heavenly Book”. I subsequently realized that the Book was none other than the ACIM.

The lesson that I read this morning was Lesson 76 on
“I am under no laws but God’s”. This lesson triggered my emotions of joy and gratitude. My tears just flowed when I read the 2nd part of this lesson. I could feel the impact of love which is so strong and beautiful. I then cried like a baby for about 15 minutes.

Immediately after I gained my calm, I continued to read the text of ACIM. For another 45 minutes I experienced another wave of wonderful emotional outburst when I read the Text page 143-146 titled “The Gift Of Freedom”.
As I read aloud, I could feel God was face-to-face with me and He was reading it to me in the manner I was reading it. That triggered me a powerful crying for around 45 minutes.

I quote below just a few lines from page 144 of the text.

…para 3..

“…The world must therefore despise and reject me, because the world is the belief that love is impossible. If you will accept the fact that I am with you, you are denying the world and accepting God.

My will is His and your decision to hear His Voice and abide in His Will. As God sent me to you so will I send you to others. And I will go to them with you, so we can teach them peace and union…”

Food And Nutrition For Inner Growth 7 (Crowd followers)

Don’t Simply Follow The Crowd

Caterpillars travel in long procession, undulating lines, one creature behind the other. Jean Hanri, the French entomologist, once lead a group of these caterpillars onto the rim of a large flowerpot so that the leader of the procession found himself nose to tail with the last caterpillar in the procession, forming a circle without end or beginning.

Through sheer force of habit and, of course, instinct, the ring of caterpillars circled the flowerpot for seven days and seven nights, until they died from exhaustion and starvation. An ample supply of food was close at hand and plainly visible, but it was outside the range of the circle, so the caterpillars continued along the beaten path.

People often behave in a similar way. Habit patterns and ways of thinking become deeply established, and it seems easier and more comforting to follow them than to cope with change, even when that change may represent freedom, achievement, and success.

If someone shouts, "Fire!" it is automatic to blindly follow the crowd, and many thousands have needlessly died because of it. How many stop to ask themselves: Is this really the best way out of here?

So many people "miss the boat" because it is easier and more comforting to follow - to follow without questioning the qualifications of the people just ahead - than to do some independent thinking and checking.

A hard thing for most people to fully understand is that people in such numbers can be so wrong, like the caterpillars going around and around the edge of the flowerpot, with life and food just a short distance away.

If most people are living that way, it must be right, they think. But a little checking will reveal that throughout all recorded history the majority of mankind has an unbroken record of being wrong about most things, especially important things.

For a time we thought the earth was flat and later we thought the sun, stars, and planets traveled around the Earth. Both ideas are now considered ridiculous, but at that time they were believed and defended by the vast majority of followers.

In the hindsight of history we must have looked like those caterpillars blindly following the followers out of habit rather than stepping out of line to look for the truth.

It's difficult for people to come to the understanding that only a small minority of people ever really get the word about life, about living abundantly and successfully.

Success in the important part of life seldom comes naturally, no more naturally than success at anything - a musical instrument, sports, fly-fishing, tennis, golf, business, marriage, parenthood.

But for some reasons most people wait passively for success to come to them - like the caterpillars going around in circles, waiting for food, following nose to tail - living as other people are living in the unspoken, tacit assumption that other people know how to live successfully.

It's a good idea to step out of the line every once in a while and look around to see if the line is going where we want it to go. If it is not, it might be time for a new leader and a new direction.

For those who have tried repeatedly to break a habit of some kind, only to repeatedly fail, Mary Pickford said, "Falling is not failing, unless you fail to get up."

Most people who finally win the battle over a habit they have wanted to change have done so only after repeated failures. And it's the same with most things.

The breaking of a long-time habit does seem like the end of the road at the time - the complete cessation of enjoyment. Suddenly dropping the habit so fills our minds with the desire for the old habitual way that, for a while, it seems there will no longer be any peace, any sort of enjoyment. But that's not true. New habits form in a surprisingly short time, and a whole new world opens up to us.

So, if you have been trying to start in a new direction, you might do well to remember the advice of Mary Pickford: breaking an old habit isn't the end of the road; it's just a bend in the road. And falling isn't failing, unless you don't get up.